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But* you*
Buf he is tho bruh yoh the one who is the re ta rd here I even looked at premium uptill ch 82 this utter garbage is hopeless
Tch shitty asshole and who said he isn ’t obviously he would be after all he did fuckin sacrifice his shit for her and mate I even read upto fuckin ch 22 and so much for you shitty not humil iating shit and taking lead lmao mate read the review more properly there is even more it than that tch and why are bringing about him being reincarnator and them not knowing about it bitch I said she is literally manipulating him obviously only we know he is older and understands but she doesn’t know that he knows what she is doing bruvh this would have literally worked like a brainwashing if he was even if intell igent was without his memories or was just a real child fucking hell I mean read upto ch 22 going those shits and at the end my brain started hurting shesh man whatever it’s yours do what ever pleases you mate I’m just bitching because the premise of the start was good and literally has 200 ch man the disappointment when it wasn’t good tch and wow your shit of him sacrificing him at the start cuz the mother trying to protect her daughter is why he did it I get it and why he wanted a mother tch but what was that after then lmao if that wasn’t the starting it would have been good incest isn’t he basically a fuckin hypocrite who thinks with his lower dick no man? And he literally says they aren’t his real mom and sister (you said that lmao) and here he was going how because of a mother he sacrificed in the start and even sacrificed his origin blood and now that beta simpy attitude mate you get what that means right? Yeah she obviously puts him on high priority which she should bruvh it s because of her he is weak has weak starting and lost his blood mate why you make it sound like she is doing something grand and she is doing him a favor by doing that? Like lol (those family shitty love is all fuckin bullshit and that sacrifice at the start in his past life wasn’t necessary too you could have just done him dying to the robber and in the new world he tried to get his mother and sister tchtvh talk about not reading the reviews properly when someone is pointing it out too you and his simp attitude obviously he is one mate look at him bruvh one do esn’t devotees and care for someone so much so they can die for them just like that or they are just naive shits and one who is a beta and with hero synd rome in this case (beta syndrome) and doesn’t know reality tch yeah she your mother she loves and care about you because you are her child but wtf is up with him lol that’s why i called him a literal damn simp though you do have fine character illustrations dont know if it was yours or just from the internet but still is good but well when the mc and the females are like that welp it doesn’t really matter nope bruvh it’s just like how when you start watching anime you really don’t care about how mc is and how he lets all the people push him around a force him and shit and the comedy which aren’t funny well you do find it funny at the cost of mc and afterwards you start not liking it after maturing and tsunderes too at the start afterwards you do start not liking no? I mean it does hurt when someone literally hits your mc for nothing over and over and it’s an mc you love even if they are heroic and innocent and naive and it frustrates you that mc just puts of with it It pains me well it only for some character only otherwise for others even if mc is getting hit it’s just irritating to see it even if you don’t care about the mc
Yeah nah this is trash asf first someone tries to rape him and he lets them go and knowing she is a sucubuss and is demanding to take responsibility wow mate it aint even love just taking advantage of him similar to his fuckin shitty older sister fuckin hell beta piece of shit mate even she says he can be easily lured wow bruvh his mother sure is a bitch if he was traumatized why didn’t his mother do anything when she was there and even for the sucubuss family bruh what the fuck? If he didn’t have the power to come out of that bind he would have been manhandled and this bitch with her suffocating shit fuckin hell and him letting it mate you know where this is going and the comments on reviews wow asslicking at the finest huh?
Hmm yeah this is fuckin trash I don’t know why he is acting and treating someone like someone higher than him who doesn’t even deserve it mate and he is just fucking a beta simp just making excuses and you too author so it wouldn’t seem like that man he already saved her with his origin blood and now yeah I get he wants family he got one why is so shitty tho? Wtf isn’t it just because she is fuckin hot and he lusts for her and in the bath wow you conveniently changed the lust to admiration and the way she treats mc and even the sister isn’t that bad but not that good afterwards I do like her but who knows how she would be in the future mate fuck off obviously she should put him as top priority afterall he did fuckin waste his origin blood saving her and conveniently got something op but still you don’t even focus on him get powerful and only slice of life shits and that isacc too mate she could kill him but didn’t wow? And can’t she feel the danger if the mc can feel it and the way she was taking advantage of him hooh even when he has sacrificed that and even then she just said those reasons just so she could be above his womans fuckin hell the way he goes around I will do anything she wants and acting like a simp and your shitty reasons and the way you literally change topics on comment saying he would have character development bitch he is a reincarnator not a newborn child not knowing wtf she is trying to do tch and I don’t think even then he would change he is damn hypocritical beta shit dude