Solaris Magica
Amongst the drifting cloud of darkness within the universe, followed a mystical and righteous wisp of magic.
A wisp that had forced its way into the reality of this universe silently followed behind the chaotic cloud of hungry darkness. This mysterious body of dark clouds had been birthed out of nothing, yet its potential amounts to that of gods. It absorbs its prey and leaves them corroded.
However, the wisp of magic disapproves of such a wicked deed. Thus, once the mysterious cloud of darkness strikes, it too follows.
Although scarce, magic was finally granted to humanity in an attempt to halt this chaotic beast.
Yet such an attempt failed miserably as the capital planet of mankind (earth) danced on the brink of corrosion.
Being forced into a corner, the wisp of magic painfully absorbed its own essence for a last-ditch attempt.
Thus, creating a child of magic at the price of a dying wisp.
A child born in the darkest age of mankind.
Trees_Do_Not_Smoke · Science-Fiction