

2022-07-07 BeigetretenGlobal



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A Real Gamer System (In DxD)

I'm Bad at descriptions okay. You should watch or read High School DxD, its good for what it is. ______________________________________________________________ The Gamer System. Derived from a manhwa of the same, it has been long abused and warped, variations of of it increasing like an exceed graph. An archetype that dragged the name "gamer" through the mud. Now when people think 'gamer', they think of some super powered guy with more bitches than the pokedex has Pokémon. What happened to what gamers used to be? The Sleepless nerds that spend hundreds of hours grinding for meagre increases in numbers. The broke bastards that have more caffeine in their blood than oxygen. The smelly loners whose only form of exercise that 'gets the heart pumping' is booting up Elden Rings. Why must they have their noble title stained? A certain black cat with headphones ponders this. It, the guardian of all things gaming. It, who is the reason you spent $200 to get your desired gacha character. IT, WHO MADE YOUR TEAMATE NEED TO GO TO THE TOILET IN A RANKED MATCH. "So, lets spice this dumpster of a archetype up!" ____________________________________________________________ Not the greatest of descriptions, I know. Sorry the closet thing to a story i wrote was my 8th grade narrative assignment. This story's setting will be based in High School DxD. I don't know about romance or harem, but I'll try to make something work. By the way haven't watched DxD in like 4 years, so I might miss some stuff.

Kysiob · Anime und Comics
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