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Frost Eyes instead of Snow Blow?
are the chickens training too or what are those behaviors for?
ohhh, ok then
didn't children under 15 got excluded?
hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣
why doesn't he train in the manual himself, if not for combat to gain some resistance and cardio?
so.......It is a Level 1 magic...... doesn't need wisdom skill....
the heck?
These people keep on being saved by a supposedly egoist and unleashed character like Noah. Now he is dividing his forces like a proper General would do to protect the many, while to stay in Character he should remain with his forces focused and in a state of easy mobility to flee the scene when things turn south (mercenary style). I guess I get the point of seeing Side Characters as necessary to offer context to Noah's singularity, and the problem of investing a lot in these same side characters to just let them vanish from the story or outright killing them after. But It has come to a point that their survival in the story is feeling forced, at least to me. Anyways, wanted to take the chance to congratulate Author about a proper monster developing story with engaging interpersonal relationships. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to manage so many characters, their psychological progression and different relationships between them.