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Hello dear readers! Sorry that I haven't uploaded yet 😅 My exams are going on so I thought I will start posting when they are over(which they are in 3-4 days) so expect updates by then.
The novel one.
No, that was just my own personal theory!
Hello Dear Reader! I have planned 1 love interest for the MC not more than that.
I will try my best to do so dear reader!
What type of music do you prefer?
I think you meant a monkey my friend, money probably understands economy more than me.
Thats what I have planned for now but it may change in the future;
Hello Dear Reader! Thanks for your review! [Now, what you suggested may/could have worked but there were a few things:- 1) I wanted to focus more on the game(Yggdrasil) itself as very few fics do so. 2)I have some changes which if introduced with your method, I might have some trouble writing but more experienced writers may be able to do so. 3) The job classes, skills, NPC, etc. the MC created/acquired would not have made sense if not explained beforehand and if explained mid-story might feel like info dumps. (At least according to me. {I may be wrong.})] Thats all! I hope you understand my reasons and continue to enjoy the novel! Goodbye!
After he successfully becomes/awakens as the true Shadow Monarch. Which is, in the next 5-7ish chapters.