

2022-05-01 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Blazzing18
    Blazzing186 hours ago

    Thank u for bringing the new chapter out!! I cant wait to catch up on the chapters I need too... I really like this book so I hope i wont stop it its really done and I hope its not rushed...

  • Blazzing18
    Blazzing187 hours ago
    Antwortet auf SocialHippo

    I have been fo6this scenes u came out with this book ... I have loved it scene it came out... its always exciting to read and see what comes next... and to be honest I really feel connected to this book like if something bad happens to someone it would be deviating to read and I would feel like im part of it thats howuch I love this book.. I know it has to end one day but I would hope that that happens only after ur able to write for a longer time and to exhaust all possible story lines if possible... like maybe having the MC and his woman end up being some overlords of there universe or galaxy and and then becoming even higher to be the king and queens of everything all of the universes/galaxys they find and yes they have a lot of fighting ahead and all that and even some people that r smart like the MC but having the MC be smarter.... and maybe recutting the people feom his planet at first but then again he has this big sect he is in right now and world so y not have hom become the king over both thse clans after he gets ride of the rest or at least his mother gose to get her mother because its kinda obvious that her mothers soul has been stuck in that place and ahe didnt know till know and I would hope that nothing happens to the MCs mother and have her take out the old people in the clan so this way it paves the way for the MCs war and for him to take out the ones he needs to so he and his mother and sister can take there rightful place at the top of the clan... That would be awesome!! and this way that have there army to start venturing out and conquering other places... or maybe uave them take there place at the top of the clan but only to find out that this is only a small part of the clan so they will have to keep going to take over the hole clan and the ones that r way more powerful and r in charge of the universes/galaxys.... or something... honestly I hope ur doing good in life but hope u wont give up here either especially on this book that is one of the best books I have ever read!!

  • Blazzing18
    Blazzing187 hours ago

    Honestly I think it would be extremely cool to have this iris girl become one of the girls that ends up with the MC because of how she is... shes smart and can do other things way better then others in the group and plus she can start to use her familys technique when she gets stronger and maybe have some of the kids awaken as well after some time and have them be part of irises team or something this way she cannuave them use a barrier like her family if it needs a team or if they can do it on there own then have her teach them that r only part of the family with the MC and if they wjere to teach anyone outside the family they would have to pay a tone to even get the chance to listen and see how it works and then if they want to know how to use it then thay would have to pay even more!!

  • Blazzing18
    Blazzing188 hours ago

    👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 So will Nakita have several babies because she is a wolf and it is it caled a litter for them??? If so then what about the catgirl and the foxgirl?? both animal actually have litters if Im not mistaken and only the vampire would get 1or2 kids like regular humans right??? And Honestly Y not have the MC have the headaid that is always around become part of there group honestly I like her character and think she is really cool and it would be awesome for the MC to take someone from his mothers side of the family so that he can take that family over to this way the MC can combine both vampires and wolfs and it would be great to ever have any foxe and cat people to come around and let his wifes make there own pack/clan and them have all of his wifes clans and people all come into the alliance that he will take over and have them get along... and if someone doesnt like it the MC needs to really kill them infront of every6and twll them if they dont like what he does then u either die or leave within the next half hour thats is how long u have to pack and leave and if u leave u will all have a grace period of 1 month to run and once that month is up I will hunt u down for ur betral amd for not listening or respecting my decisions so u pick... or something likw that would be kinda cool.. hope it might give an an idea u can build on

  • Blazzing18
    Blazzing189 hours ago

    👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Cant wait for the MC to beat this guy and win and to have the MC learn more skills and even give some to his pets soon... like the MC should find some that r great with magic so that he can give them some of the magic abilities that he has stored feom his battles that he doesnt use and he cant give to his other pets and he should get this guy to upgrade his weapons as well as long as he can... and this would give the MC an other big advantage in his upcoming fights...

  • Blazzing18
    Blazzing189 hours ago

    I was really hoping that he could.... maybe have him try to upgrade this skill to let somehow or have him go back yo the statue and pry and have his spirit or him sent up to where the animal gods r and talk with them again or just have him pray to have the MC go up aand talk to them and aee of he can get the main goddess upgrade that skill and talk about a lot of stuff like have them give him a lot of information on whats going on and stuff too so this way as soon as hes done with zaras stuff he can go back to the kingdom with a disgiuise ability maxed out and have him infiltrate the school to tell the headmistress and to tell his grandfather and to twll him to let everyone know.... this way they can prepare... and maybe spread the word and then have them all spread the word that the king is a human in disguise along with the rest of his family this way the people and everyone can take him out or something...

  • Blazzing18
    Blazzing1821 hours ago

    👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 This book is going great!!! Keep it up!!

  • Blazzing18
    Blazzing1821 hours ago
    Antwortet auf Blazzing18

    hope this helps with an idea for the next couple chapters or even future battles