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Thanks for the chapter
How much defense will Jade Skin provide when he fills all his geno points? Will it be at the level of the tenth geno lock or will it exceed it? And from what was shown in the previous chapter, the pillars still have more to offer. I really want to see what the author plans to do with them. I used to think his Super Body was strong in The second sanctuary now is terrifying☠️.
Keep going bro i like what you are doing. Thanks for your hard work.
Is Luck A Royal Spirit or it's just the shelter? Assassination was the most loved way to kill the creatures. The mc got himself a strong Soul Beast. Thanks for the chapter.
Don't know how this Geno Art will react against The Yellow Executioner. Another Gene Lock is open but for know it looks like a nerf there's no benefits till now maybe it will appear in the future Yi Dongmu somehow reach the spirit stone. Could it be the two royal spirits move or something else? Thanks for the chapter.
I get it wrong while reading.
Just curious does this sukuna has Ten Shadows. Thanks for the chapter.
So she has only a Future Sight maybe more nothing confirmed yet. If he really want to adapt than he need to find Han Yan and The Moment Queen. In The Third Sanctuary there's a two Executioner The White and The Yellow. If he manage to kill any or both of them he will give a buff to The Green who is weaker than Demi_gods and The Black who has a possibility that he reached fifth Sanctuary. I like the way things going. Thanks for the chapter.
So the souls are Royals not Kings that's could go good or bad for the mc if the Geno Tree is a Super Tree than there will be Super Creatures aiming for it and it won't be easy to take the fruits. That's definitely the best meal mc got😂. Thanks for the chapter.