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I kind of agree, but it's a bit more comfortable to read He/She, instead of they/them, I guess I'm simply not used to it. and maybe it's more about how the mc doesn't have any qualms about turning into a woman or 'in-between' be it for pleasure or simply day-to-day life. though I think it would be incredibly confusing for everyone around him if a strange woman suddenly approached them and acted like they knew each other all the time, having to explain who they are, which would lead to other people guessing the true nature of the mc's powers.
yeah but by association, the life energy vampires can survive sucking c*ck.
Jeffrey Epstein wants to haunt your location.
Names only take joy from your life. I advice to go the kind Zeus route.
It felt too long? kinda?
It's not a bad thing in this case, do you guys know when do this kind of scientists finally understand how horribly stupid their ideas actually were? When an apocalyptic event happens, ultron, future of days past, all those things have someone like this guy thinking, how could I be so stupid, well, no hindsight comments or redemption arc, sucker!
eh, every scientist is a bit of a narcisist, they live their lives hoping and constantly trying to change the world for years to come by discovering or further developing things in ways no one else did before them. hard not to have your head up your own *ss.
we men also bite the hand that fed us, every man has a mother but until a 100-150 years ago, their opinion didn't matter once we hit puberty.