

2022-03-14 BeigetretenGlobal



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King’s Illusion.

Title: King’s Illusion Synopsis: "King’s Illusion" takes us on an enthralling journey through the treacherous world of the Roman Empire, where an exiled prince named Marcus discovers his extraordinary power and sets his sights on claiming the throne. Armed with his mastery of illusion and guided by a slumbering Primordial God, Marcus embarks on a perilous quest to fulfill his destiny. Born as the secret fourth prince of the Roman Empire, Marcus spent his formative years in exile alongside his mother, a foreign princess whose homeland had been ravaged by war. When tragedy strikes and Marcus loses his mother, he feels a call to return to the heart of the empire—the capital city. Determined to assert his rights as a prince, Marcus arrives in the bustling metropolis and proclaims his lineage, setting in motion a series of events that will shape his fate. As destiny unfolds, Marcus finds himself drawn to the enigmatic ceremony known as Dictum Deus—an ancient rite where a god can choose a champion from among the gathered children. During the ceremony, Marcus awakens a slumbering deity named Pathos, who recognizes the prince's latent potential and selects him as his champion. With this newfound connection to divine power, Marcus sets out to harness the might of Pathos and weave intricate illusions that will aid him in his quest for the throne. However, Marcus soon discovers that the path to power is riddled with deception, political intrigue, and fierce rivals. He must navigate a treacherous landscape of ambitious nobles, cunning courtiers, and dangerous factions, all vying for control of the empire. As he employs his illusionary prowess, Marcus must carefully discern friend from foe, for his illusions may deceive not only his enemies but also those closest to him. With each step, Marcus's illusions become grander and more audacious, captivating the empire and drawing attention to his cause. Along the way, he forms unlikely alliances with individuals who share his vision for a reimagined Roman Empire, each with their own unique skills and motivations. Together, they will challenge the status quo, defy tradition, and forge a path toward a new era. "King’s Illusion" is a gripping tale of ambition,, and the power of perception. Marcus, armed with his mastery of illusion and guided by a slumbering god, must navigate a dangerous world where reality is a fragile construct. Will his illusions prove strong enough to secure his claim to the throne, or will he succumb to the very deceptions he seeks to master? Only by confronting the shadows within himself and the empire can Marcus unveil the truth and shape his own destiny.

Cheon_Yeowon · Aktion
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Percy Jackson: The Son of Dreams and Illusion

As you listen to my voice, allow yourself to relax and drift into a state of deep relaxation. Let go of all your worries and concerns, and allow your mind to focus solely on the sound of my voice. Imagine yourself standing in a vast, open space, surrounded by a swirling mist that shrouds everything in a hazy, dreamlike quality. You feel a sense of peace and calm wash over you, as if all your troubles have been left behind. In the distance, you see a figure approaching, a tall and regal figure with a bearing that commands respect. This is your father, the powerful god of dreams and illusion, and he has a message for you. "Listen to me, my child," he says in a voice that is both commanding and soothing. "You are a powerful being, with the ability to shape reality with your mind. You possess the gift of illusion, and with it, you can bend the world to your will." "As the son of a god, you are destined for greatness," he continues. "You have the power to overcome any obstacle, to triumph over any adversary. All you need to do is believe in yourself, and embrace the full extent of your powers." Feel a surge of energy and confidence flowing through your body, as your father's words fill you with a sense of purpose and determination. You know that you are capable of anything, that no challenge is too great for you to overcome. As the mist begins to clear, you find yourself back in the real world, but with a newfound sense of clarity and focus. You feel invigorated and inspired, ready to take on whatever challenges may come your way. Remember this feeling, and carry it with you always. You are the son of a powerful god, and you are destined for greatness.

Cheon_Yeowon · Bücher und Literatur
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5 Chs