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time to me them 👽
hands down one of the best books on here only two or three that catch my attention like this one. can not wait for the next chapter.
yes I would it's really good
it's definitely amongst the best I have read here the characters are amazing and story flows well the back story is solid and it release chapters regularly I just wish it was more then one a day lol.
your not dropping this one are you it's great by far the best quality I have read and I love the way you set the world.
welcome back I have been dieing to know what happens next plz keep up the good work.
over all it's a great story with an interesting start and progression and I like that it release updates regularly.
for a little bit there I thought you may have dropped the book but I'm glad you didn't it's great work and I hope you keep up the good work
still one of the greatest hope you don't drop it
did know sorry good luck on exams and don't worry about the novel just didn't know if you had dropped it so many good one get started but stop later