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Oh wow!!
Ohhh her a drank...
Another great story by our Queen. A buffet of everything that I love in romance. I have my book of the month, thank you Pat waDon. I love your stories always. Let's all gather here, it's a knock out.
My queen of Billionaire romance! We are gathered here now. Great job. The billionaire is a woman this time and I must say I am loving the building up of the romance! I like the female lead..when life gives you lemons make orange juice and make them wonder how flipp'n did it! I am enjoying the story just as I did the other one.
Ooops, I think YOU did it again Pat waDon. I agree with umzukulu kaMadibz.. Now you just showing off! So you also can write contemporary romance? This is such a great story! I am loving it so far and can't wait for more. Now if someone would ask which one of your books is my favorite I can not answer! This is new, serial fiction ntoni-ntoni but because of you I will support it. Lovely. Please more chapters..and when I am done with those chapters I will be expecting to see another book, and another, and another. Thank you for making sure I don't sleep..reading your book. Now gotta go to work...that's how great this story is!!!
Nice!!! More please...we need to see this to the end!
If anyone knows where such men like Ryan can be found..please hook a sister up.
I know we not supposed to fight parents but hmm Mr De Kook you need a your face!
Ryan is so......