


I am the rod. The one and only Rod.

2022-01-12 BeigetretenUnited States



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  • TheRod
    TheRoda year ago


  • TheRod
    TheRod3 years ago
    Antwortet auf LordFangYuan

    Uhh... sorry brother Fang, but I don't understand. Could you please translate?

  • TheRod
    TheRod3 years ago

    Now that skill is called [lesser plot armour]. Expert dungeon delvers refer to the current situation as a 'cliffhanger'. MUHAHAHAHA!!!

  • TheRod
    TheRod3 years ago
    Antwortet auf IMightBeGod
  • TheRod
    TheRod3 years ago
    Antwortet auf Daoist_Culture

    Thannnnkkkkssss!!! Dope review, fellow daoist! Much appreciated.

  • TheRod
    TheRod3 years ago
    Antwortet auf Daoist_Culture

    The system is not MC exclusive. Everyone has a system. I hinted this with the goddess chapter.

  • TheRod
    TheRod3 years ago
    Antwortet auf Tenzing_Choeying_5139

    in a few chapters

  • TheRod
    TheRod3 years ago
    Antwortet auf GoldenShadow

    You have great taste, comrade!

  • TheRod
    TheRod3 years ago
    Antwortet auf yb48

    There are, but it's called mercenary services. You need a certain level of skill to enlist as one. Clyde as of now doesn't possess such skills(Although this is a fantasy novel, I prefer to keep certain aspects of the lore realistic. Like how a peasant farmer with no real combat skills would not stupidly decide to delve into caverns filled with man-eating monsters just because he came from another world where the most dangerous thing he had ever fought was probably a demented civilian criminal armed with just a gun, an hostage and a few rounds of ammunition. That feels out of place to me.)

  • TheRod
    TheRod3 years ago
    Antwortet auf yb48

    Nearly three months to be exact. As for Clyde surviving? that's a given... The question is if he would make it out in one piece. We don't have that many physically handicapped MC's on WB(Seems like a fun idea to juggle with...)