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Hopefully a Basilisk animagus with the power to kill with a gaze and spit its venom. That would be amusing.
I wonder how Harry will feel about this turn of events when he learns about it. Good that making everyone forget about him means that they flee to protect themselves, or bad because everyone is fleeing instead of fighting.
As a person who has never read a single Transformers story and had no knowledge of the canon events, I appreciate all of the world building. While it takes away from the main story, it explains the relationships between the Cybertonians and their history. I can’t wait for another chapter.
Doesn’t she mean that she read about his brother?
Please don’t abandon this story!
Reminds me of the scene where Iroh stands outside the walls of Ba Sing Se with the white lotus and greets the city before proclaiming that he shall conquer it to free it.
What about Luna and Fleur?
Will he realize that the picture was taken while he was on school grounds?