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smartest man dead is dead
when hell did this become a shakespeare drama? i blame AI!!!
i can see your intention but its the way you expressed that have unsettled some of us. like 'my future with her' and the tone is what felt like creepy.
just switch off your brain my guy.
it feels like ordering a robot to do something. this should be more of a thought/ an inner monologue.(and you should use inner monologuing sparingly, as any normal person would not monologue on and on about the obvious.if don't, it will feel unnatural and annoying) it should come naturally in his head not like some droid ordering itself.
tony wouldn't feel any power coursing through his body as the reactor is just a big juiced up magnet to keep the metal shrapnel piercing his heart
i was just about to say that dude
it is many red flags in real life, but in fiction not so much i think...