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hello author, i read until A3 kian and the story still unfinished 😭 i really like this novel, pls continue until really completed 😭
chaotic empress 😂 but yes im bit confuse reading this some word really confusing and cant find relate 🤣
wkwkwkkwkw cant wait for next chapter, this is sooo funny, im laughing while reading 🤣
calm and collect respon, im glad astrid is so mature but its kinda sad with just flat respon like that, my expectation to high to think they will directly become couple 😂
aaaaa wulfff great buddy straight to the poin 🤣🤣🤣🤣
aaaa cant wait for next chapter
poor hil wkwkw his feeling for ed regard as saditic feeling 🤣
wow its really sad for qi bai 😂
thankyou for update 4chapter at once 🤗 💪💪💪
this story is so cool, already finished rereading from 1st chapter while waiting update, cheers author