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R18 Isekai
2021-11-15 Beigetreten
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9 hours ago
After all, if there was anyone good at handling "delicate matters," it was Danzo.
Naruto: Reincarnated as a Demon King
Anime & Comics · iamxeno
3 days ago
"Come in," Tsunade's voice called from behind the door after I knocked. I pushed it open and stepped inside, finally laying eyes on the Fifth Hokage herself. Damn, if I thought Ino and Sakura were something, Tsunade was on a whole different level. Tall, confident, and yeah—impossible not to notice how well-endowed she was. Almost rivaled my mother, Yasaka, in that department.
The Fox Hole
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
3 days ago
"Come in," Tsunade's voice called from behind the door after I knocked. I pushed it open and stepped inside, finally laying eyes on the Fifth Hokage herself. Damn, if I thought Ino and Sakura were something, Tsunade was on a whole different level. Tall, confident, and yeah—impossible not to notice how well-endowed she was. Almost rivaled my mother, Yasaka, in that department.
The Fox Hole
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
3 days ago
"Come in," Tsunade's voice called from behind the door after I knocked. I pushed it open and stepped inside, finally laying eyes on the Fifth Hokage herself. Damn, if I thought Ino and Sakura were something, Tsunade was on a whole different level. Tall, confident, and yeah—impossible not to notice how well-endowed she was. Almost rivaled my mother, Yasaka, in that department.
The Fox Hole
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
9 days ago
Antwortet auf Poet_of_The_Fay
Enri has blond hair and Akeno black
Shion wandered through the village, searching for Rimuru-sama. She had sworn her unwavering loyalty to him, the benefactor of the surviving ogres—now the proud oni tribe. He was everything to her, and the fact that she couldn't find him anywhere was frustrating.
The Fox Hole
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
11 days ago
Antwortet auf KAGE88
Shion wandered through the village, searching for Rimuru-sama. She had sworn her unwavering loyalty to him, the benefactor of the surviving ogres—now the proud oni tribe. He was everything to her, and the fact that she couldn't find him anywhere was frustrating.
The Fox Hole
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
11 days ago
Antwortet auf
Shion wandered through the village, searching for Rimuru-sama. She had sworn her unwavering loyalty to him, the benefactor of the surviving ogres—now the proud oni tribe. He was everything to her, and the fact that she couldn't find him anywhere was frustrating.
The Fox Hole
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
11 days ago
Antwortet auf
Shion wandered through the village, searching for Rimuru-sama. She had sworn her unwavering loyalty to him, the benefactor of the surviving ogres—now the proud oni tribe. He was everything to her, and the fact that she couldn't find him anywhere was frustrating.
The Fox Hole
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
11 days ago
Antwortet auf
Shion wandered through the village, searching for Rimuru-sama. She had sworn her unwavering loyalty to him, the benefactor of the surviving ogres—now the proud oni tribe. He was everything to her, and the fact that she couldn't find him anywhere was frustrating.
The Fox Hole
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
11 days ago
Antwortet auf KAGE88
Ch 60 chapter 60
The Fox Hole
Anime & Comics · StarWaves