

2021-10-29 BeigetretenUnited States



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  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf prometheus

    I meant the chapter in general. I make it a point to not include any plot stuff in the lewds. It was moreso a warning to the people who hate the lewd parts.

    A nice vacation from the last bit of back to back events. Next chapter has quite a few lewds as well, and it isn't wholly plot relevant.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf FallenInnocence

    I'll be writing up the next one this month.

    Ch 526 Chapter 476 Part 1
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Sidius_Cross

    Who said she's going to fall?

    Ch 523 Chapter 473
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Hoque007

    You're missing a whole lot of context on just about everything here.

    Ch 517 Chapter 468
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Spectacular_Rebel

    He originally went to RWBY to basically spend time with Salem and do some magic stuff with his new sword.

    "How do you always find trouble even when doing something so….mundane." Izzy shook her head. "Really, I don't know if you count as lucky or unlucky."
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Shin_Senpai

    He could live forever, that doesnt mean he would want to. There will come a point where he simply gets too tired to keep going on.

    Admittedly, he was not the one who harmed Wilhelm and stole away part of his lifespan, but Wilhelm seemed to have a good impression of the one he fought. I did not wish Wilhelm to get annoyed with me, and one does not punish the sword for cutting, but the one who swung it.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf MacKenzie_50943

    He can become immortal, that doesn't mean he'll want to live forever.

    Admittedly, he was not the one who harmed Wilhelm and stole away part of his lifespan, but Wilhelm seemed to have a good impression of the one he fought. I did not wish Wilhelm to get annoyed with me, and one does not punish the sword for cutting, but the one who swung it.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Goksumr

    Making some assumptions there. I'll say it right now, he isn't going to participate in that stupid rating game or w/e.

    Ch 466 Chapter 424 Part 1
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Enormiity

    Um, Wizards are allowed to interact with the 'outside world'. They're not allowed to reveal the existence of Magic only. Where do you think muggleborns come from...? And the Gold Coin is literally Gold, as in melt it down and you still have Gold and can be worth a significant amount of pounds. You IRL example is extremely flawed because Gold has a retained value in nearly every society on earth. IF the US prints a solid Gold Dollar bill, it's not going to fluctuate based on inflation, it's going to change price based on its Gold content.

    "It depends on your circumstances. In your case, you would be paying for a full gold to Pound Conversion. For Hogwarts students, they receive a special service subsidized by the Ministry for a conversion rate of 50 pounds to the Galleon to a certain amount to pay for school fees."
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Enormiity

    Because many people think it's stupid that a gold coin is worth 5 Pounds?

    "It depends on your circumstances. In your case, you would be paying for a full gold to Pound Conversion. For Hogwarts students, they receive a special service subsidized by the Ministry for a conversion rate of 50 pounds to the Galleon to a certain amount to pay for school fees."
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Lucikiel

    Omakes have no bearing on the chapter length. It was something written randomly last week and I just decided to tag it along with this chapter.

    "Roll." Musū Tengai Seethed.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Infinite_Shadow_57

    I just added the omake to the end of the chapter, it was written awhile ago.

    Non-Canon Omake -- What really happens in Wilhelm's soul.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Aaron_Broadbent

    The difference between being a leader and a warrior in this case. Yeah, she has plenty of experience in fights, but she isn't nearly as skilled as Raikou.

    "I may not be as good a fighter, but you can count on me."
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf KMS_Unbranded

    I actually finished it awhile ago, but forgot to post it outside of patreon. I'll add it next chapter.

    Ch 383 Chapter 347
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf MustafaMahmood

    They seem to use Reiatsu interchangeably in the series. I would assume it's the same as just saying Magical Energy instead of specifying Mana or Od.

    The Massive Hollow turned its gaze towards us and its mouth opened, revealing a gathering of Reiatsu at an impressive quantity. It condensed and took form into a huge ball of energy.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf DevilOnUrShoulder

    This chapter was 3.1k words, the previous one was 3.5k words :V.

    Ch 375 Chapter 339
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf EZAPH_NULL

    Hey there, 'flustered' isn't the same thing as 'bashful'. She wasn't really blushing here, but more taken off guard and a little embarrassed at the abrupt bout of flirting because that's simply something that doesn't happen with her.

    She looked at me, that cold chill and hint of bloodlust dissipated quickly, replaced by one of bewilderment and possibly a hint of…embarrassment?
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Secondworldgod

    She brought him there first.

    And to be honest, it was more difficult to find a place like this than to find a 'world'. A place like this wasn't meant to be easy to find or just walk into with a little bit of effort. The relationship between life and death made it something that the living technically shouldn't be a part of.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf MalphaS

    He does, as he said it, more than one time.

    "Kid's going to have a broken heart. You should have seen how angry he got after you disappeared and that other guy popped up and said he was responsible. Shit, it made me think he just lost the girl he loved, cause that was not a normal reaction."
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne
  • AStoryForOne
    Antwortet auf Miikari000

    They don't realize that Fuyuki wasn't counted until later.

    "We've detected six more but the last one seems to be beyond our reach at the moment." Roman clarified.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime und Comics · AStoryForOne