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Strange skill? I’m kinda scared for renji what did she even learn? Lol
Overall pretty well written,not much has happened so far everything is fine but I do have gripe with this work and some of your other ones which is when you introduce impregnation as a way to get points and then the main characters wrote it off I could see this making sense in a normal world with 50/50 gender proportions but like the story has been written as there are few males and if anything the mcs impregnating as many women as possible is not only possible morally but more on the hood side since well reproduction is necessary. Sorry for the long rant the whole impregnation issue isn’t really important but it’s my only gripe I have so far.
Gilf supremacy?
Hmm so I’m guessing Astarte is the woman who was his friends wife who Alex is the father of her children?
RIP welp at least Anita’s got a new daddy
Poor Cedrix