

2021-10-09 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf OverlordBGs
    (I'll take the next week off.)
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • Shad0w_25
    At the same time, Lisanna's transformation was completed. Once the glow of her [Take Over Magic] faded, Lisanna was revealed to have white, feathered wings in place of her arms, as well as talons in place of her lower legs and feet.
    Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads
    Anime und Comics · SixthSense1029
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf Echo_Chamber
    Nick took great joy when it came to teaching Celebrimbor magic over the next few months as the elf lord had to start from the very basics. The wand that chose the elf lord was also an interesting one in that it was a ten inch elder wood wand with the core being one of Nazguls shed feathers. Despite this however Celebrimbor came to loathe Nicks lessons on magic as he took great joy in pointing out the mistakes the elf lord had made in a harsh manner. Nick was an absolute demon when it came to learning as he accepted nothing less than perfection in the basics before allowing Celebrimbor to move on to the more advanced subjects.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Bücher und Literatur · loskro
  • Shad0w_25

    the feebasses are like: huh?? what!? HUH???!??

    The looks we got from the dozen Feebas when the little excitedly introduced his "family" to them was frankly hysterical. Pure disbelief and shock could be seen on their faces much to our amusement. The little one didn't know just how fucking nuts the collection of pokemon I had under me was since that was all it knew since it was born but the wild Feebas were very much aware of it. Hell I had two legendries just chilling out near each other that was enough to make pretty much any pokemon stop and question it's sanity.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Videospiele · loskro
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf Typhon15
    "Vy! Look! There are a lot of teeth! It is like a dragon's mouth!"
    I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King
    Bücher und Literatur · Fangrove
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf Colin_Crowe_2457

    all new deodorant should probably solve that

    This is where I came in with my reusable magic items that I could charge a stupid amount of money for and get away with it too. Some gods or goddesses may try and make moves to possess me if I made it obvious I was the source but I had a plan for that. My cursed technique is a lovely thing that would let me quite literally change my face, skin color, voice and even height if I was careful so good fucking luck trying to figure out who I was after that. If I was also wearing organic clothes I could change those as well so tracking me was a nightmarish task.
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime und Comics · loskro
  • Shad0w_25

    reading this danmachi's kobold sounds more like lesser gnolls. but i think this is just the dnd player speaking up in my mind

    I met my first Kobold on the way down to the fourth floor and I was rather disappointed. Kobolds were for the lack of a better description dog goblins. What I mean by that is that they were the same size as a normal goblin and had nearly identical stats but had the heads of dogs and fur all over their bodies. Unlike goblins however kobolds dropped their hide as well as their fangs as drop items with the former being used to make leather for low level armor and the later having the same use as goblin teeth.-
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime und Comics · loskro
  • Shad0w_25

    math ain't mathing

    When a forest emerged from nothingness on the long-deserted Jiangxin Island, the three words "Benevolence Society" were deeply engraved in the hearts of people nationwide and even worldwide.
    MCU: Druid’s Adventures
    Filme · Lightreaper
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf PrimordialLoki_

    i think its the mages from the tower

    There were several ant-sized spheres of darkness floating towards us, almost stuck to the ground.
    Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest
    Fantasie · PancakesWitch
  • Shad0w_25

    pfft backyard armadillos hahahah

    "One of those backyard armadillos?!" Xia seemed more than offended... "I would be at least one of the big ones!" ...Or something close to that actually.
    Streamer in the Omniverse
    Anime und Comics · Calleum_Artori
  • Shad0w_25
    Minecrafting in Terraria as the Beheaded
    Videospiele · TreeBriarWood
  • Shad0w_25
    But I guess Slay the Princess didn't do anything to help it.
    Minecrafting in Terraria as the Beheaded
    Videospiele · TreeBriarWood
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf gato_the_cat

    this is a new gif? i haven't seen it before

    I scratched my chin. Could I adjust everything to create a unique garden that sustained plants from various worlds?... I'll see that later.
    Streamer in the Omniverse
    Anime und Comics · Calleum_Artori
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf Yudha_Kusuma2
    I scratched my chin. Could I adjust everything to create a unique garden that sustained plants from various worlds?... I'll see that later.
    Streamer in the Omniverse
    Anime und Comics · Calleum_Artori
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf Yudha_Kusuma2

    devas is feeling MOTIVATED

    "I'll use you for training, hope you don't mind." The response I received was a scream and a flurry of black feathers flying in my direction.
    Streamer in the Omniverse
    Anime und Comics · Calleum_Artori
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf ClinicallyLazy
    Everyone dove for cover. It wasn't nearly enough. Becca had no mercy for fodder. Meat for the slaughter. Manic laughter bubbled in her chest as she held down the trigger. Her new baby barely even kicked in her hands, smooth and clean as it dealt death to all in its sights. Well… Not so much clean since it shredded and eviscerated cover and flesh alike.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Anime und Comics · Daddy
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf BludKratz

    but vampires have blood sense in which helps them track prey and differentiate which is a high quality one.

    For the next scene, Harper found Jeremy first, and she told her everything about the monsters capturing Alex. However, as she did, a bat who was perching on a tree nearby flew down next to Jeremy and Harper, before it turned back into Juliette. Jeremy wanted to capture her, but Juliette made a convincing argument that a vampire's sense of smell was more sensitive than a werewolf, and she could help him find Alex faster.
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf Dennis_Dindayal

    i think he is referring to previous robin

    Jake whined, "I don't wanna be Robin. Robin's so gay."
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • Shad0w_25
    Antwortet auf _NieusMagicGod_


    "I usually think of them as the local resident's greeting, so I wasn't too bothered by it. Besides, most often than not it just gives me a clear idea of what monsters are around and what I need to catch." Jeremy said sarcastically while staring at Alex. Then he said honestly, "Yeah. Sometimes I wish I could travel around and be at ease without thinking about the monsters. But, my family has too many enemies."
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • Shad0w_25

    at this rate If she succeeded in reverse engineering the thing seth might just create the transformers

    If they could reverse engineer even just a part of it and he could integrate it into his golems, like they did with the Core Reactor, he might have been able to make even stronger golems, without needing a stronger soul.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasie · Arkusar