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Pheynix?! okay. I can go with that. After all All but one type of [Pheonix] (red, blue, green, white, etc) are celestial in origin. The only one considered infernal is the [Black Pheonix]. And [Ice Phoenix] supposed to be from the lands of mortals. Then there's the [Solar Pheonix], [Void Pheonix], [Star Pheonix], and others...but those are from Space or the Void, instead. Also, a Pheonix, a Firebird, and a Thunderbird are NOT the same things. They have completely different mythologies.
The position of The Pope is nothing but political. It's a remnant from a time when the church was still allowed to be an active government. Historically, those to become Pope have very little remaining connection to the very religion they are head of as they've left that all behind for politics. There is a saying that the wisest Cardinals never become Pope. This comes from the fact many Popes died, or rather they were assassinated by Cardinals who wanted to rule. The current position of Pope is essentially the same thing as a Dictator.
This is an okay book, but the Evo guys he has in the catchem balls? He got them so quickly, with almost zero description, that half the time one is not even sure what they're supposed to look like, and with the rarity of them being the focus, the other half of the time, the reader completely forgets they're supposed to exist. See, it keeps saying the MC uses them, but... what does each one look like? Originally, it was a captured creature, forced to obey. Later - they're ripoffs of the Shadow soldiers from that famous manga? It's either one or the other, but the author seems...confused, as if he's keeps forgetting about them and just slaps them in whenever. So, what's the deal?! Why add something and then fail to basically flesh them out at all?
It just means there's something wrong with their ability to breathe. COPD isn't a disease, but a medical category that includes all lung issues. So even though he knows he has problems, he STILL doesn't know what those problems are. If a doctor diagnosed you with COPD and didn't explain what is he actual issue was - such as having asthma - then you just got: 1. scammed, and 2. basically told to f**k off. Why? So they can continue to milk you for money with additional doctor visits. And yes, this happens, and yes, it is YOUR responsibility to find out the specifics before you leave their office. By saying you have COPD, they can make it sound like a diagnosis, isn't. At best, you know something is wrong with your breathing ability - but you obviously already knew that. Here's an example: you wouldn't want to be a guy going in for a checkup because you have headaches, only to wake up a woman after an accidental sex change operation, would you? (this actually happened to someone.) It's the same with the COPD diagnosis with no further information - you're not being told what's wrong. If I recall correctly, the term COPD was created by insurance companies. It includes everything from a chronic runny nose to asthma to cancer - basically, putting COPD on your insurance can get your insurance company to deny you coverage and cancel your contract...