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This is a fun sci-fi story that brings a bunch of fun with a good amount of progression. I am writing this review in the hopes that the author continues the story. I really need this story to continue. Please write more author!!!
Please add English version
lol, school taught me none of this, being in the personal finance field and getting certified (series 7, 63, 65, CFP) will help a ton. Honestly I recommend people reading a personal finance help book or going through an SIE book. They give good basics or just go to a personal financial advisor and they can help. In most cases they will give tips and can help with any allotment of money. STRONGLY RECOMMEND
Maybe investing into a limited partnership which caps losses to what you put in. Meaning you can’t go into debt. You also don’t need do any work the general partners carry the responsibility and will pass through gains. Or he could own some real estate or REIT’s wich are kind of the same process as LP’s but for real estate.
Service industries especially restaurants are the most difficult fields to be in. It is a hard industry and he is better off finding another industry or being a limited partner for a group to get income with less risk
You typically would want to get a saving safety net up to 3 months depending on how many dependents you have. Furthermore, after reaching the goal, you need to invest in a daily diversable investments so if one sector falls you are still not at a huge loss. Remember diversify with REITS, stocks, bonds, ADR’s, mutual funds…etc. remember to offset this by having physical assets such as property or land. If his wealth becomes greater he might want to get involved with DPP’s to offset passive income and get the benefits of it being a tax haven. Just some fun investing strategies.
When will he use the sun power??