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I honestly find it funny how it wasn't the original language of the fic (synopsis), the nationality of the MC (synopsis) nor the country where the first few chapters is located that made him feel that way. No, it was the third person perspective that did it for him, "VERY Chinese" hahaha
Did you just write an entire novel in the comments section? lol
It's like US and Germany are fighting over which food is better, Sausage and Pretzel in Germany or the New York Hot Dogs. But HYDRA don't give a f***, as they are enjoying both, one for lunch and other for dinner with side of ice cold beer lol And why would the HYDRA members question it even if it wasn't an order from Red Skull? They're not dummies, they can see the benefits of enjoying both the food. They would even take the initiative to eat some Sushi, and Ramen in Japan and Kung Pao Chicken, and Dumplings in China.
Chocolate & Marshmallow