I only want sleep.....💤💤
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Martial Apprentice Explores the potential of human limits. What would happen if used every ounce of energy our body generated without wasting even the slightest drop? We would be able to perform superhuman feats. Martial Squire Explores the potential for human evolution. The squire breakthrough procedure uses radiation and repeated healing to cause genetic mutations that empower the body. It creates a superhuman evolved body through survival of the fittest on the cellular level to create the Martial Body. Martial Senior Focuses on exploring the potential of the Martial Body. Humans are capable of performing superhuman feats in times of crisis and the source of that power is the Martial heart. It seems that even normal humans can access this power to a limited extent (although they exert much less power due to not having a martial body) but they suffer consequences from it. The Senior Realm focuses on harnessing the power of the martial heart. Martial Master Focuses on mental potential. The potential of thought. The Martial Body has latent untapped cognitive potential, which can be developed into a martial mind. Martial masters use their martial minds to access greater cognition in combat. Martial Sage It hasn't explicitly been stated yet, but this realm almost definitely revolves around the Martial Soul. The mechanics of the Martial Soul are unclear, but we know sages empower themselves well beyond what masters are capable of. Martial Transcendent We don't know what this realm is based on. Perhaps the titular Martial Unity? This is slightly hinted at by a quote from one Martial Transcendent, but we just can't say with any level of certainty. We do know that transcendents are much stronger than sages.
Synthetic Man..???
what is your update schedule??
yes and where is elf??
he should make good use of this task force
MTF τ-5 (Tau-5), nicknamed "Samsara", is a Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation that utilizes experimental weaponry to combat thaumaturgic, magical, and psionic threats. The main combat unit, Samsara Squad, is composed of four cybernetic clones constructed from the flesh of the Lord of Endowments. While technically immortal, these clones can be defeated or destroyed in combat, though they will regenerate at their machine of birth