Human Being, Dream Alchemist, Chief of Quietly Judging, Master of None.
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Apologize for the long absence, I was abroad for weeks and just got back home. It saddened me, but I plan to end it here. Have to write my other novels next month. So sorry to say this - I just haven't got the time to change its completion status :'(
Thank you :D
Dewi, eaea
Pretty good start, but it could be better. Some sentences are quite long, perhaps you can shorten them. Though, you may want to be careful with your - how to say it... (pemenggalan kalimatnya?). Anyway, good luck! :D
Ex-beta? So, it's like rank where people can be replaced after some times?
If he's weak, why is he an alpha?
Wah, padahal menurutku healer itu job yg paling menguntungkan. Kalau main game juga selalu pilih yg ada skill healing-nya. Dasar Yugala, mainnya kurang jauh kamu nak
I wish the same T.T
Something came up and I couldn't do daily update, but I'm fine. Very sorry about that. Thanks for your support :D
dateng njemput, langsung masuk kabin, dan bikin geger satu pesawat. cliche, tapi moga aja ada kehebohan yg tak terprediski. tiba2 ada bom di pesawat dan si jendral berubah jd hero, misalnya :'D