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Cecil has diff names for Cruden every time they meet 😂😂😂 I wonder whats next
Because Xincerely delivered her bonus chap/mass release, im here to deliver my review so she’d be more motivated in writing us this novel 💕 Im enjoying every bit of this book and I cant stop checking if its updated rvery hour. IT IS THAT GOOD. WE NEEEDDDD MOREEEEEEE
Then I’l write another review tmr 😆
Because Xincetely gave a bonus chapter, im here to review. I‘d this everyday if she’d post more everyday coz i‘m alr addicted to this book. Please have updates everyday! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Is cruden and roselia fated mates
Omg this is so good. Excitedddd
When all I do is refresh this novel the entire day 😭😭😭 exciteddddd
I swear I’m super addicted to RayRay and Lily’s story