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Dude, it's Japan. Medical costs are dirt cheap here. You pay like ¥2000 yen monthly for insurance. That's like £10, or $10. That covers like 70% of the cost. The other 30% is a tiny amount. Most 1st countries have good healthcare, it's only the America that has an abysmal healthcare system.
Dude, it's Japan. They're open 24 hours
I don't really have a picture on how he should act. Time changes everyone, and he had that in abundance; it's understandable he's changed. My issue is that he doesn't have any defining character traits. Daemon is charismatic and cunning. He's just as likely to stab you in the back as he is charm you into doing what he wants. Viserys is gentle, often stuck between duty to his house and his kingdom. Because of his gentle nature, and his reluctance to cause violence, he's often seen as weak. He's fiercely loyal to family despite so often unintentionally neglecting them. He's the epitome of a head that's been weighed down by a heavy crown. Otto is often seen as selfish. Using his wit and guile to navigate a precarious court, attempting to place himself and his family in the best possible position. He takes advantage of weaknesses, stepping on others with nary a second thought. Your main character, however... A passionate man who let said passion dictate the next 15 years of his life, for better or worse, we're yet to know. He's prone to making hasty, almost irrational decisions to ensure his families security politically and personally. Other than that, I genuinely can't summarize him anymore. I just don't know anything about him. why does he feel certain ways. We know why Daemon and Viserys and Otto are the way that they are. We know their goals, and understanding why they pursue those goals is important because it helps us relate to them. At the moment, the MC is a drawing on a canvas, yet to be painted. We have the framework- the foundation, but not the colour. Perhaps I am being too critical, but only because I genuinely enjoy reading this. I think the story has an interesting premise and can't wait to see where it goes. Grammatically, you're absolutely fine, and it looks like you have a clear idea on how you want to play out, if your hints are another to go by. Characterisation is the only real thing I can criticize. Maybe dialogue too, but that's something that takes ages to master and I myself am rather poor at it, so I can't offer much advice. Maybe learn more about passive dialogue and attacking and defending. (sounds weird, but this helped a lot with my essays in my first year of university.) Anyway, enough of me. I can't wait to see where the story takes us :)
I miss the MC being Involved with baams party. Let his segments go off and have fun in the background. Winston fucking around with the gang is all I need from the story 😭
it also feels like you haven't thought through the emotional aspect of his character, as least not deeply. What are his motivations? How has his grandfathers betrayal affected how he sees royalty and family? Long term goals? aspirations? interests? this is linked to my other comment, but he feels empty. Just a plot device with a slightly edgy persona and soft spot for his brothers and niece.
I think the main character is a little plain. He doesn't really have a character. before he was exiled he was bold, passionate and held his ground on those passions and things he believed in. As an adult, he just feels like a plot device. I find myself rooting for the main character because of who he was, rather than who he is. Having mystery surrounding a character is never a problem, except when his the entire character is a mystery. it's fine on side characters but with the main protagonist, I just don't think it works too well. The 15 years he spent away shouldn't be the focus of his character arc. impactful to his character, yes. But not the main focus. Hopefully his personality starts to shine through as he opens up about his time away.
Godwyn was dead before the shattering of the elden ring. He couldn't of had a great rune.
which is impossible. Godwyn was dead before the ring was shattered. He never claimed a share of the elden Ring.
I hope to God baelon doesn't take that at face value. pointing out another doesn't absolve you of suspicion.