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I think I need to get a
Try trot t Tttpyutttt
Trtrt p try t r t best way part rrtutu it trhe
I’m not feeling T
Most likely a form damage transfer and the weaker member are paying the price.
Full metal panic anyone?
Please think of logistics of rebuilding a town in a month there is no need to make it that unbelievable. If it took a half a year then it may not sound too insane. Over all not bad, but slow down and think of how to flesh out setting and characters in the story.
God I could cut myself with edge in this story. The protagonist is overly cruel and acts as a murder hobo. It tries to play it as him being cold and calculating, but he just a asshole. The author just throws in random settings together with out fleashing out the story first. All and all it’s a hot mess. I’ve read about 30ch and I don’t see it getting better from here.
This Novel is like junk food not particularly great, but good enough. The system is just randomly there because god felt bad for the MC. It needs more of a struggle and harder work on the MC part and there not exploring the fact that he can speak any and all languages and that includes monster.