


I show up randomly and reply whenever I cam be bothered. Or not, meh.

2021-07-13 BeigetretenGlobal



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One Piece - Clone-Cycle!

Hello, if you perhaps intend to read this dumpster fire of a quick write, may you both be warned and disgusted in yourself for your vile tastes and the thinnest possibility that you like this. This is not meant to be good, there will be plenty of spelling mistakes, and logic and basic lore of one piece will be smashed against the wall, scooped up with a dustbin, and wiped not-so-discreetly dumped onto someone else's floor. May you be warned. -{New note! I've decided to rework this, as I've got a bit of free time and I got bored living life. It'll be the same, maybe, and I don't remember much of the island names, so I'll just look those up on a one piece timeline video. --{Double note. I decided to rename him as well. I also forgot everything I wrote. I probably made him too powerful. --- --- --- --- --- Winston Vermont, our protagonist, is an above average otaku living a great life. He makes enough money to live, gets to game with his friends, and he collects rare collectibles for fun, so that's fun. However, on a particularly bad day, he happen to be walking down the street, down to his house, when he saw a truck on a war path, headed straight for him! So, like any self-respecting [And preserving] human would, he threw a young woman behind him in front of the trucks path while he threw himself forward at the other end of the crosswalk. Luckily for him, the woman managed to stall the truck just long enough for him to get out of the way, isn't that just great? However, on the way home, he did die because he got mugged, that's sad I guess. However, while his soul is in the middle of dissipating, he is instead grabbed by a mysterious [Plot-driven] force, and catapulted across countless universes in mere seconds, landing directly on an island in a distant universe. However, on the way there, he figured out a weird ability he acquired on his way there: He could now split himself into multiple people. Oh yeah, he also recognized this universe as 'one piece', the pirate anime without any actual pirates in it. Will he survive? Probably not, he isn't smart. Will you like this? Probably not, this kind of sucks. Will I ever shut up? Nope. Never. Nada. === === === === === === === === Note, I'll probably finish this over a long period of time. I'll try to get one chapter out weekly at least I guess, but this is more of a 'read over time' instead of a 'get it done quickly' fanfic.

EpithetEnjoyer · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Villainous Rhapsody.

A villain story. -{New note! I've decided to redo this, as I personally loved [And still love] the idea, but I probably could've executed it better, and also I wrote it since I just got bored. Might as well flesh out something better while I still can, right? --------------------- His name. What was his name? If you asked anybody this question about our main character, they would easily answer with two simple, yet effective, words: The Villain. There wasn't any other words you could use to describe him better. He was like the shadow that crept through your window at night, the story that your parents would tell you so you'd go to bed early, the myth that ran through every town eventually. He was a legend, by all means. There were many things said to be done under his name, such as murder, prostitution, child {Informative biological works.}, child {Sexual Assault}, regular {Sexual Assault}, mass genocide, slavery, child slavery, racially-motivated hate speeches, racially-motivated genocide, running multiple drug rings, and the such. If you could name a crime, someone else could name the date he did it, and how happily he smiled. However, everyone falls eventually, even the greatest villain. Although it was thought to be impossible to find him, he actually made himself known. He stepped out in the middle of public, on the highest building in America, the One World Trade Center, and took his hand off a dead man's switch, blowing up numerous landmarks across the globe. ============================================== And this is where we are now. If you are questioning: How the hell did he do this, this is quite literally impossible to fly under the radar with these kinds of actions, and he couldn't use a dead mans' switch to blow up like everything, wtf? Then you are sane and correct, but let me put forward my counter argument: I don't care. I made this shitty character to be an overpowered villain for me to put forward and torture things, relentlessly and endlessly, for fun. It's like releasing all the stress in your day on someone who doesn't deserve it, you know?

EpithetEnjoyer · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs