


"I am the called by many names; I am the world, I am the universe, I am god, I am truth, I am all, I am one, and I am you." I also hate thieves.

2021-07-12 BeigetretenAntarctica

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  • Truth_Only_Reader

    Game is game moment.

    The crowd went ballistic at the news, their cheers reverberating throughout the arena, shaking the very structure. They couldn't contain their excitement—it was the fight they most wanted to see. Their beloved Prince Aemon, whom many considered the second coming of Aegon the Conqueror, against the infamous Rogue Prince, Daemon. The nobles began happily discussing and placing bets on their favorite knights. Even Corlys, who typically abstained from such matters, found himself anticipating the fight. He glanced at Aemon, who was preparing for the match, and at his daughter Laena, who was casting worshipful stares at the young prince. He ignored the fact that his son was also doing the same. His eyes held a hint of calculation as he thought, 'Let's hope the prince can hold his ground.'
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader

    Something hidden in their blood? I wonder what?

    As the years had gone by, she had noticed that both Aemon's and her own temper had become more volatile. They tried to blame it on the hormones of puberty, but that wasn't enough to explain the sudden shifts in their behavior. Even she, with three lifetimes of experience, sometimes struggled against those feelings. Aemon suffered the most, getting irritated and angry at every corner. The fact that he couldn't control his temper made him even angrier, creating a vicious cycle of rage. She found it both funny and worrying. She was pleased to see him making progress, especially since Daemon was perhaps the one who riled him up the most.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader

    Writing Quality: Very good I liked how the story is proceeding so far, with Aemon (Main Protagonist) who is someone from our world and Rhaenyra who is Aqua from the Oshi No Ko world mix together. it's like a pineapple and pizza, it doesn't sound good but it is pretty good. I like their dynamic and their development as character especially Aemons, he isn't someone perfect, albeit a perfect warrior, but isn't as smart as his sister. I felt like each time the characters appear it makes me want to keep reading due to this. Also I like how you use chatGPT to fix your grammar and not use it to fill up your sentences. Story Development: So far, we are following cannon, but from what the author is saying it will diverge and it has diverge, since by the time I'm writing this 15 chapters isn't enough to give me a good review for development in terms of pace. But I like how it is going for now, but I do wish for it to move a bit slow, and I feel like we aren't given enough depth in regards to Aemon and Rhaenyra actions as a whole. It doesn't sounds important, but I feel like it gives more life to our character if we see them hanging out more with friends and their family to see more of that dynamic and background to the story. I hope you do improve on that, but I like how its going so far. Character Design: He has their character designs and I like them so far, I like to imagine the others as their actors in the actual show. Updating Stability: Updates 2 to 4 Chapters a week and is very consistent so far. World Background: Its House of The Dragons, a lot of people wouldn't know the world without reading Fire and Blood or look into the history of House Targaryen. But I believe they know as when reading the title they should have a bit of background in knowing the ASOIAF universe and if not this is a good place to start because what got me into ASOIAF was fanfiction. Conclusion: I really enjoy the story so far, I just wished we had more depth in Aemon and Rhaenyra lives since I feel we skimmed that a lot throughout the story, I would like if you could improve on that. Other than that, I really enjoy it.

    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader

    And that gentleman... is the start of everything.

    Finally, he reached his mother's chambers, which were strangely surrounded by fallen guards. He threw the door open and saw his father, Viserys, standing beside the door, his face ashen. When he looked in the direction of the bed, his entire world collapsed as he could only whimper one word, "M-mother?"
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    Antwortet auf Evilmoon

    The Adrenaline is real.

    Aemon stared down at his uncle, his mind scattered. He tried to think of something, anything, but he couldn't. The only thing that filled his mind was euphoria and hatred. He felt good, really good. He threw his completely chipped sword to the side and picked up Daemon's Darksister. He removed his helmet, revealing a twisted smile. Now in close range Daemon knew his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. He could see the golden, fierce glow in his nephew's eyes. Just as he thought, it really reminded him of Vermithor's eyes, a sight that was both mesmerizing and terrifying. 
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader

    Also, he saw Maegor in his dreams? Bro wasn't alive at the time.

    Viserys was startled by his son's words, memories of Maegor the Cruel flashing through his mind. "Don't say such things, Aemon! The walls have ears. You don't want people in the realm to compare you to Maegor!"
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader


    Aemon nodded at her and, with his eyes fixed on Rhaenyra, said, "Thank you, my ladies. I would like to ask for the favor of Princess Rhaenyra. With it, I can be sure to win this tourney in her honor." His deep purple eyes bore into hers, and she felt a sudden pang in her heart as she watched her handsome brother, donned in armor, looking at her with such fervor.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader

    He maxed out his charisma traits.

    As Aemon entered the arena, and the cheers exploded. He waved gently at the crowd, causing a ripple effect of screaming females that almost made Rhaenyra block her ears from the deafening noise as the crowd chanted Aemon's name. Even Alicent beside her was trembling with excitement, and she could see that she was restraining herself from also screaming.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    Antwortet auf Evilmoon

    I like this take, and I like how you go about Viserys, but I feel as Viserys in my interpretation as someone who is obsessive with dreams. I like how he took his sons word into consideration. But in the end... it's too late.

    Viserys sighed, placing a reassuring hand on Aemon's shoulder. "We'll keep an eye on things, I promise. But you mustn't let fear cloud your mind. You're a Targaryen, and we face our challenges head-on. Remember, you have your family and your dragon by your side."
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader

    Mageor had a really good reason to go against the faith.

    Viserys was startled by his son's words, memories of Maegor the Cruel flashing through his mind. "Don't say such things, Aemon! The walls have ears. You don't want people in the realm to compare you to Maegor!"
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader

    I agree. You need to show firmness and fear in order to shoe that you can't be walked over, but you need to be loved also. Being feared and love like the Stark is what makes you a good ruler.

    But then Aemon continued, "Let them talk. It gives us an excuse to burn those traitors."
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    Antwortet auf whyudothat_

    I agree he stopped a temporary war and made it into a bigger one allowing lords to pick their king.

    "The realm?" Aemon scoffed, his voice tinged with disdain. "You always forget something, Father. We are dragons. A dragon does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep!" As he spoke, his aura changed, and Viserys could feel the majesty in his words. For a fleeting moment, he saw the shadow of their great ancestor, Aegon the Conqueror, in his son.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    Antwortet auf Beamingkangaroo

    whErE yOu sEe i SeE!¡

    Chapter 71: Skyfall
    Hitman x Family
    Anime und Comics · Livice
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    Antwortet auf Evilmoon


    He was clad in bronze colored armor, reminiscent of the one he wore years ago as a Mystery Knight, but this one was more detailed and ornate. Many elements of its design were drawn by Aemon himself, inspired by his loyal dragon, Vermithor. The armor was full of intricate details that mirrored the majestic beast, and he had even used a piece of Vermithor's shed horns to carve smaller versions for his helmet, giving it an even fiercer look to complement his already imposing armor.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader

    I can't live without another chapter Author I need more! TAKE MY POWERSTONES! TAKE IT.

    Ch 12 Chapter 12.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    Ch 11 Chapter 11.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    Antwortet auf Rafi_Mohd

    Most likely not, he probably works 24/7 due to people always being in trouble.

    "Huh, a new record. 10 full minutes of sleep…" With that said, he put the phone away and let out a tired sigh and in the next blink of an eye, he disappeared with a sonic boom.
    The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!
    Anime und Comics · Writing_Shirou
  • Truth_Only_Reader

    Good chapter. I love the character development.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    Antwortet auf lazygodofdeath

    He plagiarized it from Leonel_Fallen.

    Shadows of the Realm: Rhaegar's Resolve
    Bücher und Literatur · Perseus_Blackfyre
  • Truth_Only_Reader

    Stolen from a "The Dragon Cub" by Alperez16.

    Oaths of Honor
    Bücher und Literatur · Percival_Lannister