

1970-01-01 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • 1mth
    Antwortet auf Kw0z

    And these aren't even novels, these are fanfiction that's worth nothing but a possible case for copyright infringement. If you did have a novel of your own, with original work and original characters you made, then I'll have shut up. But you don't, just an over inflated sense of your own skills and a shitty attitude. So have some humility, at least.

    Villain's Journey Towards Destruction
    Fantasie · Alekzi
  • 1mth
    Antwortet auf Kw0z

    Not my novels, dipshit. And that's an arrogant reply from someone who can't even finish what he started. Maybe it's good enough not to finish then? The story is already done after just a few chapters? That's a stretch from any but pathetic is still pathetic

    Villain's Journey Towards Destruction
    Fantasie · Alekzi
  • 1mth
    Antwortet auf Kw0z

    This is such a malicious review that I'm surprised it's even here. And he's giving advice too even after not doing anything of note to show how great his work is compared to others. Pathetic negative loser. Don't mind him author

    Villain's Journey Towards Destruction
    Fantasie · Alekzi
  • 1mth

    Just finished chapter one and I nearly slept my ass off because of how boring this is. I expected better after all the puffery but meh. What a waste of time and will not recommend.

    The 100: Survivor
    TV · Kw0z
  • 1mth
    Antwortet auf DarthFalcon

    Wow. What a big baby. Tough words for someone who can't even make any works of his own and just settle on shitting on others

    Blood Brother - Invincible
    TV · Enigma_Black
  • 1mth
    Antwortet auf Benoit_Valtin

    Good man. Don't bother starting shit here. Better keep whatever story you wished to make with you, it's healthier that way

    Blood Brother - Invincible
    TV · Enigma_Black
  • 1mth

    Not necessarily my thing, but I see what you're trying to do and appreciate it. Keep it up champ

    Blood Brother - Invincible
    TV · Enigma_Black
  • 1yr

    Huh, I kinda missed that. Thank you for the critique. I'm sure the other chapters will have something else.

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  • 2yr
    Antwortet auf SigmaMale

    oh I don't have one of those man. I mostly post for fun

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  • 2yr
    Antwortet auf SigmaMale

    what's a discord?

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  • 2yr
    Antwortet auf Radripper5

    you should really delete this man

    Invincible's Twin
    Anime und Comics · BoredAsura
  • 2yr

    Hey man! I dig the Sentry name!

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Sentry
    Invincible's Twin
    Anime und Comics · BoredAsura
  • 2yr

    Author compulsory perfect review alert. Nvm nvm nvm nvm nvm nvmm vnnvjdks.a sjdnsmz fnejxneie.chdhfjs a thanx.f fjsnznzusjr.f fhsh

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  • 2yr
    Antwortet auf Brenda_Gates

    truthfully. I'm trying to find a balance between the show and the comics. so I might pause until the show comes back for season 2. as for the high, well I have something particular planned for him.

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  • 2yr
    Antwortet auf Brenda_Gates

    ohh I love that idea

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  • 2yr
    Antwortet auf DarkApolonir

    by tomorrow I guess.and there's a special guest soon hahaha

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  • 2yr
    Antwortet auf DarkApolonir

    hey haha sorry. it was supposed to be BlackBolt

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  • 2yr

    This is a very good story. I really want to see where you go with it in the future please don't stop updating. please please please pleaSe

    MCU: The Darkness
    Filme · rockhavel6
  • 2yr
    Antwortet auf DarkApolonir

    personally I don't like a harem. it's too unrealistic. even backbone divorced all his political marriages for his love for medusa

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  • 2yr
    Antwortet auf Coolbreeze

    Thanks mate. I'll pic this up again once I'm done writing the events that were featured in season 1

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