


An author. Guess my age 😜. Read the novels:The Immortal Phoenix

2021-07-02 BeigetretenPakistan

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  • Yuyeon678
    Yuyeon6786 months ago

    The storyline is good however, in the starting chapters, they don't show the head injury of the body of gu yaoyao due to which she died. Fl doesn't have heart but the sounds 'ba-dum ba-dum' are shown when shes'sfalling in love. Overall, its a good read only a few cringe scenes, if you get over it, you'll like the story. And, this is a story which never makes you hate the characters, I only hated the ml when he screamed at her, but he apologized later. Some scenes are confusing tho. And the story of lu jiu has taken my heart.

  • Yuyeon678
    Yuyeon678a year ago
    Antwortet auf kalila_dawn

    Well since I am under 18, I don't have it at the moment but when I do I'll let you know. 😄

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  • Yuyeon678
    Yuyeon678a year ago
    Antwortet auf kalila_dawn

    I appreciate the thought however, unfortunately so, I don't have one. You're still welcome to talk here though, 😄🤗

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  • Yuyeon678
    Yuyeon678a year ago

    Hello everyone 🤠.The author here 😄I would like to thank you all for your support and would like to request that you leave comments and reviews on this book so that I can better understand your point of view on this story.Thank You!

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  • Yuyeon678
    Yuyeon6782 years ago
    Antwortet auf Mopelade

    thank you 😊

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  • Yuyeon678
    Yuyeon6782 years ago
    Antwortet auf Yuyeon678

    some of the other names might change in the coming 3 days!

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