


I am still working on loving myself the way I should and raising my son without the person who swore they'd never leave.

2021-05-30 BeigetretenUnited States

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  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf BreeBree30

    He probably mean clams, oysters, and/or mussels.

    Bluepool didn't think much of it, but after seeing her serious expression, he still agreed. "Alright! I'll just roast shells for her."
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf Tini_Gonzalez

    I don't think the marks can move; I think they only appear when a bond is made and disappear when the mate dies.

    He didn't like Jean, but liked her? Bai Qingqing couldn't hold back the joy in her heart and her face flushed up a little.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf tigre900

    She is a mermaid.

    "Hey, don't. I'll go." Jean stroke her hair, her full pink lips curled up into an enticing smile. "To be honest, I do have a good impression of Winston. If I can pull him over, it'd be helpful to you as well."
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf Snack_Cakes

    Some people are able to accurately replicate things they've seen. She has admitted, in her thought processes, that she's seen these things on TV and done some of them with family whose place was in the country.

    "Solely based on this?" Parker said with an incredulous tone. He had always known that Bai Qingqing was intelligent, but how could she be this intelligent?
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf ranzen

    He did take Bai and bit her to force a mate bond, but he never r*ped anyone; Bai has verbally and non-verbally given her consent every time they've had s*x. The mermaid female he is later accused of kidnapping actually voluntarily left with him because she didn't want to be a merperson breeding machine. Curtis is actually a very good beastman/person because he genuinely cares about others. He's been doing his best for Bai and their family.

    Bai Qingqing turned her head sideways to look at him. Curtis also stared at her, seemingly out of sorts, for God knew how long.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368

    poikilotherm, just a fancy term for ectotherm or "cold-blooded".

    The air was hot and dry. As snakes were poikilotherms[1], they were easily affected by the heat. However, this level of heat wasn't cause for fear for four-striped beastmen like Curtis. It was just that they had a more acute instinctive ability to pursue good fortune and avoid disaster than ordinary snake beastmen, so Curtis felt very uncomfortable in such an environment.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf crazedwolfpuppy

    Yep, she gets pregnant with a girl after accepting Winston.

    Looking down the bridge of his nose and shutting everything out, Winston removed his animal skin and transformed into his tiger form. From the looks of it, he was prepared to keep a lookout for the two of them.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf Snack_Cakes

    From my understanding most Chinese female children are shown how to cook, and how to do other "domestic" tasks, by the women in their families (I know some other countries do this with all children). I know that here in the USA children are usually taught the basic skills needed for independent living starting at a young age. My son is only 4 years old and can basically take care of himself aside from driving, cooking meals, and having a job; he's started learning things like how to do dishes and laundry (he hasn't done them on his own yet because I feel he needs to be older) just from watching me.

    She was just an ordinary high school student with no skills. If she had to claim something as an accomplishment, it would be fermenting grape wine—even without yeast, she would succeed in doing so.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf Womp_Jonesy

    I'm thinking it's more like horchata as far as alcohol content.

    Don't females love drinking rice water? This proves that even the carnivorous females can accept starchy foods.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf RebeccaS

    They need to start fending for themselves. They'll be grown sooner than one would think and they need to be able to survive in that harsh world.

    Curtis was the one who captured the prey they had for dinner. After eating, the family of four returned to the top story. At the sight of the new snakeskin in the bedroom, Parker realized that Curtis had shed his skin, not consumed a transparent crystal as he had assumed.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf SUPER_WEIRDO

    Having cubs matures him quite a bit. He becomes a bit of a stick-in-the-mud type parent.

    Why did the snake suddenly become better-looking? Did he eat a transparent crystal? No wonder Qingqing has been so fond of him lately. Detestable. He decided he was going to capture a behemoth himself and become even better-looking than Curtis!
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf Katarina_Bush

    It was a thing in England as well; other places too, if I recall correctly. Men were considered useless when it came to routine childbirth; only a birth requiring surgical intervention was viewed as a birth where a man, the surgeon, was useful.

    Bai Qingqing sat down against the door, looking like a husband waiting outside the door for his wife to give birth.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf Kara_Gibson_9249

    Technically, he's just being a daddy. In polyamorous relationships, at least in real life, EVERYONE is an EQUAL parent to any and ALL children regardless of who the legal/biological parents are.

    Parker sprinkled some water on the sharpening stone before continuing to sharpen the stone blade. "They were so hot that their bodies had completely stiffened, so I decided to bring them outside while sharpening my stone blade."
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf Snoflinga

    One CAN suffer burns from hot asphalt and hot metal; it CAN cause permanent damage which is why people are advised to leave their car windows opened on hot days. However, NATURAL surfaces like grass and dirt don't get nearly as hot as asphalt and metal; natural stone can get hot but usually isn't at the surface level where one walks. Part of what makes asphalt get so hot is that it is black and therefore basically absorbs light/heat. Pure metal doesn't exist in nature either, at least not in quantities that would make it a surface one would walk on. I go barefoot ~90% of the time I'm not at work and only put on shoes when I have to walk on burning-hot asphalt/sidewalk.

    Bai Qingqing stuck out her tongue as she sat by the river and soaked her legs in the water.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf alyssacat

    He's supposed to have two but his marks seem to be forgotten by the artists until he's about to get a third.

    After saying that, he shook his head, denying this possibility. "That isn't right. Even if the female has mental power, Bai Qingqing doesn't even have a single animal stripe on her face. She shouldn't be able to sense the weather changes."
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf Shadow_Serpent

    It does eventually happen.

    Winston's lips curled up slightly. He should be feeling happy, but for some reason, he felt pain in his heart.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf ryienne

    He actually just blinds himself because he thinks he deserves to suffer as long as possible with the knowledge of what he's done. He had children with his mother as well and the daughters were supposedly very beautiful and intelligent.

    "They have feelings for you. In addition to the disturbances they have from my memories, they'll definitely return to look for you immediately. You're forcing me to kill them," Curtis said ruthlessly.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf danyestibaliz

    It's basic physics and the knowledge one gets from an elementary school education in the USA (or at least the knowledge one used to get). I can see not only how but also why she knew nets would work. Anyone who hasn't lived isolated from society knows that nets can be used to catch things (for example, fish nets) or keep things out (for example, mosquito nets) and that nets have been used to protect crops. I learned this, and much more (like the life cycles of various species, how to make rudimentary batteries, and many other things that most people never need to know), in elementary school in the USA.

    This way, hundreds and thousands of beastmen were able to break free from the shackles of farming. These beastmen were outstanding males who had mates. Their support enabled Winston's reputation to skyrocket.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf danyestibaliz

    Anyone with a complete elementary school education knows about early agriculture, including using trenches (irrigation) to get water to crops.

    "It's really hard work." The first thing that Bai Qingqing thought of was to dig trenches and guide the water over. However, she soon realized that the terrain here was higher than the river, and the land was toward the dry side. It wasn't possible to dig trenches to guide the water here.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses
  • Br1ght3y3s_2368
    Antwortet auf JoyLust

    Fathers are just as capable as mothers to stay home with their children; Bai Qingqing has just as much right to take a break away from home as Curtis does and actually has MORE of a right to a break from home as Curtis regularly leaves home. Stay-at-home parents need regular breaks from home, that aren't a job away from home, or they go stir-crazy which isn't good for them and definitely isn't good for their kids.

    "You… stay at home and take care of the young snakes. I don't feel at ease if no one is keeping an eye on them." Bai Qingqing took a look at the young snakes crawling around and smiled sheepishly at Curtis.
    Beauty and the Beasts
    Fantasie · Dreams of White Tresses