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no I did adress this in another reader's comment but dungeons are for the world, some dungeons can be entered by natives while others are player exclusive
someone figures it out later so continue reading and you'll see lol
I appreciate your kind words about my novel, honestly I enjoy writing a lot but being told that writing a book in this way is stupid and worthless felt like a slap in the face
mages tend to have low strength and vitality, he eventually fixes this issue since the game receives an update that makes it very clear all stats matter to all classes.
my apologies, during Christmas I had to deal with a family member getting drunk and calling my novel a waste of time amongst many other very hurtful things so I just haven't had the motivation to write for a while. I can probably get a chapter done today as I have every chapter planned out though
Ezekiel is but for more perspective variety I occasionally swap between people.
thank you
the way I had designed shadow magic to work makes the gore magala an unironically deadly blueprint for attacks
this comment made me notice a typo so thank you.
unironically the first person to figure it out