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It makes no sense to me why they would choose a reasurant instead of a grocery store
Its a strange how all the ugly women are dark skinned. This feels very colorist.
I usually don’t mind reading reverse harem but wouldn’t recommend this. Mostly because of the way the main character acts. I’m all for a flirty and bold MC but she acts like a man. She doesn’t seem to really care how the resonance thingy effects the the first ML. She ignore the fact that men feel it more than women and when she found out that the Ml was in a vunurable state she considers taking advantage of him knowing the implications this could have on him. Also the paragraphs were long as hell. This is just my personal opinion.
I like it the MC isn’t a Mary sue that knows everything she struggles but she tries her best. As far as I’ve read their are no ML yet I just hope when they show up the quality of the story doesn’t diminish.
Good story and a funny protagonist glad she’s not a self righteous person
I like the story but it’s hard to understand I’m not totally sure what I’m reading sometimes. Kinda feels like I’m reading mlt
Can’t wait for the next chapter
I’ve already read like 3 of this authors works and they were all amazing. I have no doubt this is gonna be good even though it still has a small amount of chapters. Plus I’m a sucker for apocalyptic worlds with the main character having a space/superpowers. So If you like those stories I would recommend this.🥰
So dense