

2021-04-23 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • aert_sryb

    Disclaimer: I see a lot of disparaging comments about how the MC isn't cold and calculating and instead is a simp. If you're looking for some self insert virgin wet dream like a lot of edgy pre-teens on this site are, go somewhere else. Enough with the rant and on with the review Writing Quality: 4/5, fights are well detailed, and setting descriptions are gripping and easy to imagine leaving you totally immersed in the story. It's not perfect but is nearly there. Stability of Updates: 3/5, Author does a very good job of putting chapters down every day but I noticed some chapters were pretty short. Story Development: 5/5, Story development is good, there's direction, motives, mystery, and it flows pretty naturally. Character Design: 5/5, Characters feel entirely human, and while you may not see it from my viewpoint imagine how people would behave in their situation. I could see myself acting like that which imo makes me even more immersed. World background 10/5 Incredible, an original world which is totally unpredictable. Ridiculously crazy monsters that leave you feeling awed and curious. The idea of the flaw and aspect is perfect, and is immaculately written. Mysterious setting which makes you hungry to find out more. Overall I give it a 10/10, that's my personal opinion though read it yourself and find out!

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasie · Guiltythree
  • aert_sryb
    Antwortet auf Unimatrix001

    I really just don't understand. I see these types of comments all the time that make it seem like people really just aren't even paying attention to the story. He had a previous misconception that she was a gentle and kindhearted person, and that was a big part of the reason why he was attracted to her. Now he is having a hard time accepting that she really isn't that kind of person he believed her to be for the last 3 years. Really not that hard to figure out if you have a brain.

    Leonel smiled bitterly, realizing why he had avoided observing her closely over the past few days. His heart… It still beat wildly.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasie · Awespec
  • aert_sryb

    This made me physically cringe

    Her breath quickened, her breasts undulating beneath the far too fast beating of her heart.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasie · Awespec
  • aert_sryb

    creepy mf sentence, also if you call him a simp youre also a creep

    He had never been this close to her before. In fact, this was also the first time he had ever touched her. He tried his best not to take advantage of her despite the softness of her supple skin and long black hair.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasie · Awespec
  • aert_sryb
    Antwortet auf Abruan

    It's extremely clear to me that you're 13-14 years old

    "Here is the coin we will be flipping today." The Head Referee continued to speak, stretching out a beautifully designed coin that was about half the width of his palm. "On one side we have a football decorated with the flag of the fallen American Empire. This will be tails.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasie · Awespec
  • aert_sryb

    This could also be considered soul magic no?

    "I will. I, Celine of the Canere Clan, swear a soul-binding oath to Callan of the Moretti Clan and will not tell others about the things he will impart to me in this very room. That, if even the thought of speaking it to others crosses my mind, my soul will be bound for eternity."
    Legacy of the Dark Sage
    Fantasie · Lessyr
  • aert_sryb

    Isn’t this soul magic which is forbidden? She just claimed that the Regis didn’t practice forbidden magic.

    "Let me introduce myself, I am Pheobe." The woman greeted with a smile. She stepped to the side and gestured Silas to enter, "Please enter from here and let the array search your soul."
    Legacy of the Dark Sage
    Fantasie · Lessyr
  • aert_sryb
    Antwortet auf potato_man

    Ok well, let me list out classic symptoms of narcissism and compare them between the noble and the MC: 1. Expectations of being realized as superior to monsters. 2. Possessing a sense of entitlement to monsters. 3. Expectation that others should do special favors for you from monsters. 4. Belief that nobody should question your motives and should have unwavering compliance with your requests of monsters. 5. Taking advantage of monsters to move forward in life and/or to get what you want, with no remorse toward the ones you stepped on to get there 6. Arrogance, haughtiness to monsters. 7. Unemotional towards monsters. The only thing the MC does is hunt monsters but he still demonstrates remorse. Based on what i've seen, the noble checks most if not all of these boxes compared to the MC. Also, the noble isn't going to die, he bet his soul bond's life in a duel (which, by the way, checks one of the boxes) but he later found out that his soul bond is guaranteed to lose so he bought a soul bond for the sole purpose of killing it to guarantee the life of his other (better) soul bond.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    God´s Eyes
    Urban · HideousGrain
  • aert_sryb
    Antwortet auf potato_man

    Sorry that was poorly written. So the main problem is that the mc is mad at the noble for taking advantage of the eagle to move forward in life and/or to get what they want. This is narcissistic because the MC did the same thing. I believe differently because the key difference here is remorse, which the MC has demonstrated and the noble has not.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    God´s Eyes
    Urban · HideousGrain
  • aert_sryb
    Antwortet auf potato_man

    It's not necessarily narcissistic. It's like saying you hate animal cruelty then going to eat a burger. People hunt monsters for many valid reasons to do with survival, however this eagle is unnecessarily forced to die. In Jason's case he hunted monsters to further himself or his career. It's not like the characters love hunting monsters.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    God´s Eyes
    Urban · HideousGrain