


I like Re:Zero and other stuff :O

2021-04-15 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf Xenox_6302

    Uhh yeah kinda

    Ch 32 Feitan's Fury
    Hunter X Hunter (HxH): Voided Ambition
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf Rayanghost

    Oh man, Clayman's revenge latest chapter has changed my plans for this fanfic a bit... I think it would be best if I start writing it later because there's so much lore being packed in right now. I will write another fanfic, a practice fanfic so to speak, before I continue with this one. One where Subaru (from Re:Zero) ends up in Tensura instead of Lugnica. And unlike here, in my new Subaru fanfic I wouldn't have to know and plan in a lot of lore. So if you find that interesting you might like to check it out!

    Ch 1 Prologue: Rough Start (One-Shot)
    That Time I Got Reincarnated as a... Clayman?!?!!
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf Rayanghost

    Clayman's revenge was actually the reason I started writing this One Shot

    Ch 1 Prologue: Rough Start (One-Shot)
    That Time I Got Reincarnated as a... Clayman?!?!!
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf BravoBuds

    And you're still writing after a solid year, kudos. Do you wish to get a cover drawn by me? Don't worry, after all this time I have significantly improved my drawing skills (especially digitally) and it would be a gift for all your writing, so to speak 😉

    Ch 34 Chapter 34
    One Piece: Struggle of the Weak [Reboot]
    Anime und Comics · BravoBuds
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf king_of_fanfic

    Haha thanks for the review and don't worry, I won't drop this story. I've had this idea for months (if not a year) and if I just stop now it would just hurt my soul immensely. But I have to disappoint you because I will have to read the LN and watch the anime to refresh my knowledge before I start this story. Considering that I will be writing my last exams at school in a few weeks, I don't think I'll have the time. So, I'll definitely be working on this story, but you have to wait a while for the first few chapters...

    That Time I Got Reincarnated as a... Clayman?!?!!
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf ParadoxMind

    Many grateful thanks for your great suggestions. I will try to implement many of these. However, I have to admit that with my current knowledge I'm bound to mess something up in terms of skills/magic (especially the whole Soul/Ego/Will and all that other suff), so I think I'll spend some time reading the LN again before I start writing a real story...

    That Time I Got Reincarnated as a... Clayman?!?!!
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast

    Yo bro remember me 😭😭😭 I can't believe after all this time you still write 🙏🙏

    Ch 34 Chapter 34
    One Piece: Struggle of the Weak [Reboot]
    Anime und Comics · BravoBuds
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf ParadoxMind

    I appreciate your honest opinion, it's very welcome here at the beginning. That's exactly why one-shots are so good because if you're already working on the whole story and only later realize that half of it didn't make sense... Yeah, it can quickly ruin a good plot... What you said makes a lot of sense with the skills. Even the weakest summon has at least one extra skill. I'll think about changing it and giving him an extra skill. The thing with Clayman is that he already has 2 strong unique skills, Manipulator and Regressor (in the Clayman spin-off) so I wouldn't want to give him another unique skill because he already has enough to become strong. So, rather just 1 weak extra skill. And the thing with the memories... In my one-shot I solved it so that he remembers the instinctive skills and magic (and other things where e.g. the instinctive knowledge where some things are)... I don't know if it's enough to trick Laplace. Probably not. I could give him an extra skill like [Memory Awakening] and have both problems solved. (The skill doesn't exist and is made up, but I'd take it anyway). I just don't want Clayman to know everything straight away in the beginning and with the skill he would reawaken his memories piece by piece. What do you think?

    That Time I Got Reincarnated as a... Clayman?!?!!
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast

    Shameless review by the author :) What can I say? I wanted to write a *different* kind of Tensura fanfic with this. One without a system or all that op stuff Rimuru has! Just Clayman.

    That Time I Got Reincarnated as a... Clayman?!?!!
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf DDclash

    But it's hardly a right solution, like... HOW did Neo even know Rex was there, even though he hid his identity?(Although he used the same name, Rex, but his hair was dyed black and his face was obscured by the mask)

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Hunter X Hunter (HxH): Voided Ambition
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf RagingDrake

    Look at the last sentence :)

    One Piece: White Hunter
    Anime und Comics · BravoBuds
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf AmarHazlin

    Nope, all original

    One Piece: White Hunter
    Anime und Comics · BravoBuds
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf OSQ

    ¿Un esclavo al que se pagan millones por sus servicios y que recibe los mejores contactos políticos que el mundo puede ofrecer sólo por llevar a cabo una misión cada dos años a la que tiene garantizada la supervivencia...? Amigo mío, ¿hemos leído la misma historia? ¿O es que te gusta leer historias irreales en solitario, en las que el protagonista llega a la cima del mundo por su propio esfuerzo?

    Hunter X Hunter (HxH): Voided Ambition
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf cloudy23

    It is, but in a later chapter

    Ch 16 Spiritual Awakening
    Hunter X Hunter (HxH): Voided Ambition
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf HonorOfTheSamurai

    Ah ok

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Hunter X Hunter (HxH): Voided Ambition
    Anime und Comics · HxHEnthusiast
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf BravoBuds

    Bro don't listen to this mf. He be giving all stories 1 star reviews, people like him can't enjoy shit fr.

    Naruto: Akatsuki
    Anime und Comics · BravoBuds
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Antwortet auf BravoBuds

    I'm vibing with live I guess, want a cover tho?🧐

    Ch 1 Prologue
    One Piece: White Hunter
    Anime und Comics · BravoBuds
  • HxHEnthusiast

    I just finished reading this One Piece fanfic... It was amazing. The writing was top-notch and the characters were very very very very well-developed. It got me feeling like I was right there chilling with them on their adventure, experiencing all the ups and downs along the way. The world-building was also really impressive and made it easy to get lost in the story. But what really made this fanfic stand out to me was the emotional depth. There were moments that had me on the edge of my seat and others that had me almost tearing up, real. It's not often that a (one) piece of fiction can make me feel so invested in the characters, but this one definitely did. Overall, I'd say this is a 5/5 100% fr being serious rn. A great read for all my One Piece enthusiasts or just anyone looking for a well-written story :) (I have yet to get past chapter 1)

    One Piece: White Hunter
    Anime und Comics · BravoBuds
  • HxHEnthusiast

    Best thing about the smoke smoke fruit is no lung cancer (Also, long time no see)

    Ch 1 Prologue
    One Piece: White Hunter
    Anime und Comics · BravoBuds
  • HxHEnthusiast
    Who am I?
    One Piece: White Hunter
    Anime und Comics · BravoBuds