


One must imagine Sisyphus shrugging. Diagnosed Schizoid and insomniac.

2021-04-01 BeigetretenGermany

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  • Zizinho21

    The SI wand, how, quaint.

    Ollivander continued. "Dual wand cores are used as the focus: the heartstrings of a Griffin, willingly given to my many times great grandfather. It has been dusted in ground dragon scales from a dragon whose very legend has transcended time, Odahviing." Ollivander's eyes held an intensity that Harry had yet to see in the man as he spoke. "This wand is powerful, very powerful, but also incomplete."
    Harry Potter: Magical Memories
    Filme · Miguelho
  • Zizinho21
    He met her gaze, seeing the worry, the fierce intelligence. "Something's coming, Hermione. Something big. And I think... I think we're going to need every advantage we can get."
    HP: The Sorcerer Supreme
    Filme · LORD_ASHURA_
  • Zizinho21

    This author repeats the same dialogue sooo many times

    Jonathan's mind raced. He couldn't exactly say, 'Well, sir, in my world, you're a character in a book series, and I've read about this lesson.' Instead, he opted for a half-truth. "I... I read a lot, sir. And I practice."
    HP: The Sorcerer Supreme
    Filme · LORD_ASHURA_
  • Zizinho21

    They've had this convo like 4 fockin times already

    Jonathan sat down beside him. "It's a lot, huh? One day you're just Harry, the next you're Harry Potter, the wizard who lived."
    HP: The Sorcerer Supreme
    Filme · LORD_ASHURA_
  • Zizinho21

    Hero complex AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

    But John's true hero? Doctor Strange. Not the movie guy, but the comic book sorcerer who could bend reality like a pretzel. "One day," John often told his cat, Mr. Whiskers, "I'll be just like him. Saving the world with a flick of my wrist!"
    HP: The Sorcerer Supreme
    Filme · LORD_ASHURA_
  • Zizinho21
    "He bit himself..." Alicia nodded as tears welled up.
    Fear the Walking Dead: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
    TV · SrCuervo
  • Zizinho21

    I prefer it this way, I've read thousands of fics for dozens upon dozens of stories/manga/anime/movie/games etc, and having characters react in scenes I've seen over and over again gets boring sometimes, someone not caring and taking a nap is honestly so real and different, I'm with it.

    Everyone started to walk out of the bus.
    MHA: One-Hit Hero
    Anime und Comics · Ilovefics
  • Zizinho21

    What other comment said, also rasengan is in my opnion kinda useless unless you modify it. Kunai will kill just as well and is throwable, so why bother with the chakra?? You might as well put an explosive tag on a kunai and that alone makes it better then normal rasengan by a good amount.

    "well at least i will not become a weak jonin when the war starts..." Asuma sighed and he got back to training the technique he wanted to train this whole time, the rasengan, he has used his ninja merit to exchange for the a level ninjutsu.
    Naruto: Monkey Sage
    Anime und Comics · truepowerscaler1
  • Zizinho21
    Antwortet auf DaoistcaqwL5

    best guess is that lvl 15 is the bare minimum for an elite

    Evaluation: low elite jonin 
    Naruto: Monkey Sage
    Anime und Comics · truepowerscaler1
  • Zizinho21
    Antwortet auf JManM

    I don't think you should, for example mcs interactions with Temari are plausible enough, funny while keeping the story humorous and relating the plot, all this while keeping the 'mature' edge we expect in your stories. When I'm making a piece of art, or coding or really anything I care about, it usually takes at least three iterations of anything until I think it's good enough, that is to say, I believe you should just rewrite/alterate a few parts you're unsatisfied with, if you are unsatisfied that is.

    "Yeah." she nodded and pinched the ho's ass, causing the bitch to squeal.
    Son of Jiraiya and Zabuza's Waifu Adventure
    Anime und Comics · JManM
  • Zizinho21

    Re-reading this after like 2 years, still find this whole stripper club part with naruto, and sakura and really weird, they're 12-13 or something, really out of character an plain unnecessary also gross all around. Would've made more sense if kakashi came along with the bridge builder...

    "Yeah." she nodded and pinched the ho's ass, causing the bitch to squeal.
    Son of Jiraiya and Zabuza's Waifu Adventure
    Anime und Comics · JManM
  • Zizinho21

    Almost like your very own Serosh.

    Any how, you are now caught up on my childhood and can properly appreciate the beauty that is Lord Fluff Fluff, my tiger pelt version of whatever the fuck Sesshoumaru carried over his shoulder in Inuyasha. And let me tell you, Lord Fluff Fluff plus Needle Jizo plus Fang Over Fang into Needle Hell equals fuck everything in that general area. And if Lord Fluff Fluff should perish he is super easy to replace, barely an inconvenience. Seriously, the mega tiger population in the Forest of Death never seems to go down. It's almost like MMO spawns.
    Son of Jiraiya and Zabuza's Waifu Adventure
    Anime und Comics · JManM
  • Zizinho21
    Antwortet auf SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST
    Deciding that he had enough information, Kaizen decided to approach. He needed to test his new body's capabilities to see what kind of training regimen he would need to construct. Also, he was interested to see how he measured up against the genius known as Kakashi.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime und Comics · FearTcb
  • Zizinho21
    I was very happy with what I read, "Greetings Master goblin, may your vaults fill with gold and your enemies fall by your blade." I greeted him, while internally grinning like a child, the greetings along with most of the other stuff that I already knew about the goblins had turned out to be facts
    HP: In The Magical World As An Extra
    Bücher und Literatur · Yggdrasil_loki
  • Zizinho21

    Anglo-Burmese Wars

    "I was just ten, my father… My adoptive father just passed, and I started to steal. One day, I stole from the wrong man, an Admiral. He sent me into a war the British were fighting with Burma despite the age restrictions. He wanted me to die, but I survived. I returned home a year later after the only resistance left were civilians."
    A Powerful Legacy
    Videospiele · Daniel56
  • Zizinho21

    Just say rest bro, no one just sleeps "for three"

    "Hmm… He is a good teacher, but my hunger for knowledge separates me from others. I spent a year in the muggles' army, which disciplined me beyond measure, so when I got the invitation from Hogwarts, I studied under Fig with great passion and discipline. I would work eight days learning the material, then sleep for three. After I slept, I stayed up for another eight."
    A Powerful Legacy
    Videospiele · Daniel56
  • Zizinho21

    ??? I mean I guess he's known him for like maybe 2 months but that's still crazy

    "I love you, you know… You're like the son I never had." Tears were streaming down Fig's bloody face as he told William over and over again how he loved him.
    A Powerful Legacy
    Videospiele · Daniel56
  • Zizinho21

    Far too few, where's my courage the cowardly dog Self-Insert?!?!?! WHERE IS IT???

    (A/N: Is it just me, or did Max's voice sound weird af in this episode? Also, I've realized something. Nobody cares about the classics! Every fanfic is about anime and the new cartoons! There's not a single one for the OG cartoons of our childhood!
    Ben 10: The Ultimate Predator
    Anime und Comics · That_One_Dead_Ali
  • Zizinho21

    Yuri in harem automatically makes it not harem and in some cases ntr. It's either polyamory or open relationship, harem is historically and by definition given it's origin, not that open, nor 'inclusive.' Might I add that I do find harem fics, books, etc disgusting but, I agree with the statement "Yuri in harem is NTR."

    (A/N: My friends, allies and brothers of the anti-harem faction, join me in talking shit and discussing even more about how illogical harems are and what illogical things the harem only readers say now that the chapter has come to an end! Today's subject, Yuri in harem is NTR! I don't know who came up with that, but that person clearly deserved "the most stupid person of the century" award! Because oh, my, god, these people are just another level of idiot. (I understand that people look into fiction for the fantasies, but damn, some people don't have any standards at all. To the point that it's actually dumb, not even funny anymore.)
    Ben 10: The Ultimate Predator
    Anime und Comics · That_One_Dead_Ali
  • Zizinho21

    Get the rights for the image and names of all the aliens, make a business.

    Heatblast, Fourarms and Wildmutt specifically, if I remember right. So since some assholes could make money from just a lame ass cartoon, why shouldn't I do it first myself so they wouldn't be able to rip off of us?! Oh my god, this is a brilliant plan!
    Ben 10: The Ultimate Predator
    Anime und Comics · That_One_Dead_Ali