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sounds good I'll keep looking out for it best luck with your studies
this guy gets sealed away at the end for exactly what he just did, not just using his Banki but another Captain's as well because someone said a snid remark or something
they kill with guns, so they don't get close enough to absorb the Evolution Energy plus they fighting hoards so even if they want to check for Miscellaneous items by the time fighting was over the Energy that only stays for a few seconds vanishes, Howard's system automatically collect this energy for him, then if im not wrong Duplicates that Energy and gives it to his female Zombies at least thats how it works so far, this give him the advantage of 1 not needing to pick the energy up mid-fight and 2 je can kill 1 zombie and get 2 Energy one goes to him the other goes to his Female zombie. thats his biggest advantage besides his lottery draws
3 Paragraph up from this one
its funny i cam back to rewatch this after 1,000+ Chapter ahead..i never Realized that she was so close to being right
this guy...sigh..much more outrageous than the other book I'm reading that's just like this one but less Letrius MC
looks like Kakuzu is going to live in this fanfic
through his eyes I'm sure it looks like he walked in on a murder Sean lol!