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What, so he could directly kill her himself? lol
I like a decent amount of this novel, but at this point, it is packed full of entirely too much info about different items and rewards, so much so that they lose all meaning. Instead at this point it feels like 50%+ is just filler item talk nonsense.
Lol as if it wasn't obvious from literally the first second of the fight where he decided to run around in circles against a guy who literally isn't moving when he can cause earthquakes and lava..
He wouldn't even need points in magic dmg considering his dps would be like entirely from the talent and MP
Yea I mean not really he could just focus on leveling and Subjugate stronger people in the future, it isn't like any of these people who aren't his women will be anywhere near his level within a year.
Lol what so there is a black iron superclass running around? sounds horrible
someone in a wheelchair could probably pull that time off lol
So the apparent most talented 4000 kids of their age group in the world, including the supposed S class of these 4000, and it is filled with 95%+ bootlicking retards? Am I understanding this correctly? Isn't that kind of dumb? Makes this entire Academy seem like a joke, as well as humanity in general.
Can he upgrade experience potions? That would be epic lol
Lol what exactly does someone have to do to deserve to die? Career criminal going around trying to kill people for money? Does he think this is their first time? Sounds pretty killable tbh.