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all I will say is I was wrong, but I won't say with what. I need to read this one again, but I need to be in the right head space to do it.
our bathroom doors are only about 24 inches wide so we have room for sure to open our, just not a whole lot of room for much else haha
we had a family friend like that. someone referred my sister's and I for babysitting, and over time, we became friends. I ended up working for her after high school on and off for a few years as a CNA before I moved out of state permanently in 2006. I try to keep in touch with her on FB, but she's not on there much. I think she retired already because her trips back home to Brazil have increased over the years.
we only have one shower/tub in our house. for whatever reasons when they built our house in 1969, they didn't think the master bathroom needed at least 1 of those. it literally only has a sink and toilet in there. the whole bathroom is roughly 5x6 (at least that's how much floor tile I needed). our main bathroom has the shower/bath combo.
you'll find out. it will probably suprise you.
hahaha and they would probably look at him like he's nuts.
hahaha that's awesome!
hahaha, I've only been bowling a few times since that happened, and thankfully, the ball didn't go flying backward. always arias that's going to happen, though.
okay. you will get your answer to the 7 dwarfs question if you haven't hit it yet.
how far are you into this story? sorry hard to tell by my comments as wn doesn't reference the chapters.