

2021-01-31 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Racquel_Mcdonough
    Racquel_Mcdonough4 days ago
    Antwortet auf books_6

    Thanks you. I got up to over 100 chapters on the free read and was debating unlocking but now I won't. I was wondering why she can see some fate but not of her siblings on who genuinely liked her and who was mislead or manipulate into not liking her and was wondering if all nine brothers dislike her but sounds like some weren't given a chance. I was also wondering why there was little to no interaction on the bio mom part with her by the author so far. if it's on the free read again I might finish more chapters.

  • Racquel_Mcdonough
    Racquel_Mcdonough6 days ago

    what kind of ending is this? I feel robbed 😭. I mean getting an ending is better than no ending but I was really looking forward to a better ending not a rush on like this. I'm greatly disappointed with this ending. The story plot was decent enough to stick with it this far just for this half ass kind of ending.

  • Racquel_Mcdonough
    Racquel_Mcdonougha month ago

    Aww our dear author is a poet ❤️

  • Racquel_Mcdonough
    Racquel_Mcdonougha month ago

    absolutely love this chapter. Thank you dear author for breaking the cycle of cheesy confession and giving us mature reasonable characters since anyone would expect a second chance at life would make one a little wiser not to repeat pass mistakes or issues that wasn't favorable to them. I love the blooming romance of these 2.

  • Racquel_Mcdonough
    Racquel_Mcdonougha month ago

    A really good read and unique plot of rebirth. Pros: unique in the sense she loved the new family as if she was born in it, no one figured out she wasn't the same person and she wasn't trying to get some sort of revenge. ML was not trying to force himself or love on her, protected her in the dark and respect her when she told him to not monitor her. He had his flaws but I liked him a well designed character for a male lead not prefect but not a jerk. I felt he deserved a better FL but that's just me. Cons: Instead of innocent I'd rather say nieve and a bit dump for a reborn. sorry dear author but her reasonings and way of reacting to things just made her a bit dense for me. I felt like she lead both of them on and even at the end, who cuddle with another man infront of her husband especially while pregnant knowing her husband hates it but puts up with it because he loves her. I think the author could have use another way to show affection and give a little more respect towards the ML who just accepts her ambiguous interactions which could cause misunderstanding. I get that the second ML has mental issue from his childhood trauma and has imprinted on her but she fails to see that she should not keep him cuddle up to her base on his feelings for her which makes him a psycho to almost kill them both so he could manipulate her to stay with him, then yep she is dumb. I don't regret reading it because it was well written just some things irked me about the FL and the SML. Good job author. I wish you'd given him a love interest instead of having him confessing his love even to the end. for me it seems like he was the main lead instead. I also have an issue with is toxic way of loving her.

  • Racquel_Mcdonough
    Racquel_Mcdonougha month ago

    Author why did you make her so stupid? I am seriously asking.

  • Racquel_Mcdonough
    Racquel_Mcdonougha month ago

    with this type of obsession hiw can anyone call it love. He hides and do underhanded things, put her in arms way yet says he love her?

  • Racquel_Mcdonough
    Racquel_Mcdonougha month ago

    sorry but I already lost interest. If you're going to use a real worl place to name the country then make the fictional character with some respect towards that country. For a country whose culture fascinates me I am having a hard time with this novel and I have heard a lot of fictional novel with empires and the like but this one just seem thrown together and all over the place for me but to be honest I'm just browsing at the stage and no longer reading.

  • Racquel_Mcdonough
    Racquel_Mcdonougha month ago

    As much as we all know this isn't real and is fiction there is still some expectations readers have. Like I expect her to be executed/arrested for hitting the emperor and not still have her job. She went from abandoning the kid to scolding is dad for the same. Even fictional no mother would want should a daughter-in-law if that's where this is heading and no employer would excuse should a worker. You should have made it a really rich family rather than royalty so more readers would be willing to continue reading

  • Racquel_Mcdonough
    Racquel_Mcdonougha month ago

    why would the princess be afraid of her she has only been working for 3 days one of which she didn't go to work because she is mighty righteous that a dad is depress to the point of not seeing his kid in 5 years. Author need to adjust timeline to make me believe this novelnis worth the time or coins to unlock you need to explain how an ordinary nanny puts royalty in place after working 3 days for them. I look past the slapping the concubine but I still need to be. able to make heads or tail out of this novel to continue.