


A new and aspiring Author. Please do check out my books.

2021-01-07 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Enigma21
    Enigma212 years ago

    Wonderful book, unique premise I hope Cai used his scoundrel system to its full potential. Perhaps it’s future features will make him just the more OP?

  • Enigma21
    Enigma212 years ago
    Antwortet auf TheBigGuyAuthor

    Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tate

  • Enigma21
    Enigma212 years ago

    Hey this good book love premise rate 5. 1 million dollars required this book is my lvoe and life Andrew Tate Free Andrew he did abuse women and did do human trafficking its made made up by the matris save the top G

  • Enigma21
    Enigma212 years ago
    Antwortet auf Simp_Chaos

    I have mentioned this in the review but I will say it again, I hope you don't get a grudge from the review. I never suggested that you originally had a grudge against me I have merely pointed out my opinion of your novel and nothing else. After all, that is what reviews are. If you call people "npc's" in real life then I believe you have a real problem sir. Anyways, I wish you luck in your endeavors. No harm done.

  • Enigma21
    Enigma212 years ago
    Antwortet auf Enigma21


  • Enigma21
    Enigma212 years ago

    Literally on the level of the likes of Shadow Slave, Lord of Mysteries and alike. Fully fledged out grammar, vocabulary and storyline. I've only currently read one chapter as I would like to binge read after more have come out. This has so much potential. You can not quite and that's a demand.

  • Enigma21
    Enigma212 years ago
    Antwortet auf Enigma21

    Cross out "enjoy" and replace it with "website".

  • Enigma21
    Enigma212 years ago

    I'm going to be completely honest, this is a rinse and repeat plot used a million times throughout the enjoy. Perhaps other people can enjoy it but at this point, I am quite sick of it. In the future I hope to see an original take from you, maybe not something cliché. In terms of writing quality, its quite good. A few hiccups here and there but it won't be noticed by a regular reader. Enjoyed the writing, didn't stay for the plot. I hope you will use this review as an aspect of improvement rather than hold a grudge against me. I wish you good luck in your endeavors.

  • Enigma21
    Enigma212 years ago

    I'm honestly willing to pay for editors and writers for a mass release. I'm also willing to pay an undisclosed amount to the author if this happens. Guilty, please hit me up if your interested in my offer.

  • Enigma21
    Enigma212 years ago

    Can’t wait for Autry’s backstory!