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Wait, did Rhys do something to make sure that Uncle Tom never go this info, and set the man up? Or did Uncle Tom actually just happen to miss this message?
Lemme guess, Rhys is doing it for Kellen (ever since he found out about the way Uncle Tom had treated Kellen). I mean, I’m sure like 10% of his reason is that he genuinely thinks it’s time for Uncle Tom to go, and is fed up with the man’s years of buIIsh *it. But 90% of it is definitely bc of Kellen.
Wait, what about Rhys’ stickers too? For going to therapy? This man is working his way towards his promised reward 👀😏
Kellen needs to put his research brain to use and find something he can also tease Rhys with. Do some in-depth reading/self-teaching on stuff or go to Brent/Hill for some out-of-the-box ideas. Maybe Kellen can even tease him with guiding while kissing/biting or something, especially when Rhys isn’t expecting it. Idk….🤷
I REALLY want Kellen to “train” Rhys in something too. Get even and have a little revenge for all the things he puts Kellen through.
This is the one thing that annoys me about how they advertise the role of Guides. Guides act like one of their “roles” is to comfort and be mental health sources for Espers/others in general. Not just be there to guide people, which is what their powers ACTUALLY do. Kellens Dad is a prime example of this, with the way he takes in Casper and Charlie in while he was recovering. But one thing really needs to be made clear. Just bc Guides’ powers and “vibe” give off the impression of being a source of comfort/healing, IT DOES NOT MAKE THEM A LICENSED THERAPIST. So idk why Guides keep advertising themselves like they are, IN ANY CAPACITY. Idc if that’s the way society sees them as, they do NOT have the training to be taking on a role like that. Kellen is right in the sense that they need to start normalizing therapy, bc they need to leave that sh *it to the REAL professionals.
Ok, but no one has still just straight out told him that the relationship that he saw with his parents was wrong. And/or given him examples of how a relationship is supposed to go. They’ve just alluded to it, but they need to directly spell it out for him. Plus, Rhys waited wayyyyy to long to “talk” to Gunther before he exp loded. If he had just talked to him on the same day that he found out the bruise was from Casper hitting him, it would’ve avoided all of this other sh *it that they now have to deal with. Like letting Gunther’s confusion fester until he exp loded, and losing opportunity to choose the right moment to have a good conversation with him. I mean, they KNEW there was a problem but waited TWO DA MN WEEKS before even saying something about it. I get that Rhys was in shock and wanted to “process” this for himself, but you need to nip this issue in the bud while it’s fresh, so Gunther doesn’t have time to overthink and get further confused like he did. Because they waited so long, it made Gunther feel like and be treated as a “villain,” which understandably would make him upset. I mean, he technically hasn’t even done anything wrong yet - he hasn’t tried to hit Casper, get violent, or force himself on him. If anything, he’s the biggest victim, since Casper hit HIM. And yet, from his perspective, everyone is avoiding him and getting defensive around him like he already committed some crime. Like, all everyone did for him was to not say A DA MN THING to him for WEEKS and go around hiding Casper from him without EVER explaining what was wrong. And then as soon as he snaps and decides to just confront the others about what might be up himself, everyone acts hostile against him. Literally the way they went about this issue was sh *it. This was a serious issue that they should’ve addressed immediately, not waited while Gunther went around unchecked.
Is he subliminally calling Kellen incompetent and mocking Rhys for not being around just bc he has to deal with some “personal issues”???
Yeah, also Kellen had NO IDEA that the Captain was actually in love with him for all those years since the man never came out and said anything. And Kellens also not the type that understands subtle hints, even if the Captain was trying to flirt with him during that time. He’d need to straight out say it to Kellens face for him to get the memo (which he FINALLY did….a whole 7 years later 🤦♀️).