


just a normal guy who enjoys reading/writing novels.You can find me on any other platforms under the same name as my account here.

2021-01-06 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Zaseral
    Antwortet auf Sameer_Kothari_9313

    Not entirely, no. I won't spoil the overall plan he has, but something that has been hinted at for a while is the lack of involvement 'The Father' has with reality and how unnerving it is that he is getting involved now. So, it wouldn't really make sense to say he would ever want to 'retire' from his job, because 1) He is omnipotent, there would never be a struggle with his job anyway and 2) he doesn't really have an inherent job. If you wanted to theorize, the least spoiler hint I could give is that the father isn't retiring from his job, but he is giving Ray A job.

    Ch 234 Testing Theories
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf Vexatus

    Not yet at least

    An official martial warrior who was able to cultivate using the Force was able to easily tackle ten advanced stage martial disciples who couldn't absorb the Force.
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Ost · Don't Enter The Jianghu
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    Antwortet auf Novelover15221

    Interestingly, this kinda makes sense. if our world ALWAYS has super powers, tech would slow down. but if we already got used to having advanced tech even if we could then have super powers, we wouldn't halt our production or advancement because we already got used to having it. and in the story, the humans stopped fighting, so they would have even more time to focus on tech.

    Humans were powerful because they had intelligence. Through cultivation, the human race quickly grew stronger. Within a few short years, a considerable number of martial warriors started to appear around the world.
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Ost · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • Zaseral

    "Yo we got powers now, so let's stop fighting, this stuff is dope!" Ngl while it may be a bit unrealistic, I love that so much XD

    The different countries disregarded their previous enmity and organized a global conference.
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Ost · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • Zaseral
    Antwortet auf JohnGuerin

    Sorry, I was tired while writing this because I have been quite busy, I will fix it now. It was meant to be Deron.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf MacKenze_Kuntze

    For a multitude of reasons, but the best way to explain this would be to look at the namesakes of each nation, which are gods. The gods act as patrons for their nations so within these countries, Demigods who are attached to the patron god receive a large amount of praise, but if you are a demigod not of the patron god, your status is often unaffected. After all, it could be seen as insulting to the patron deity if you hold the child of another god in high regard, and outside of this, all being a demigod really means is that you are more powerful/stronger than other humans by a decent margin. So from a war standpoint, his best use would still be on the frontlines. For a comparison a magical sword would have the same function as a regular sword, it would just be more useful.

    "We were discussing how to apply general affinities today, and one of Ray's best affinities is his lightning, meaning he will probably be placed near the frontline," Jirin explains.
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf Potatowned

    Well, that was very blunt XD. I can't blame you for having that opinion, but I can promise you that I wasn't trying to be lazy. This was a year ago when I had just begun writing, I am trying my best to find my footing, and I'd like to believe I improved as time went on. hopefully, the beginning of my next novel will be better, but I am not really ashamed of how this one started either. I mean, we all start somewhere, right?

    "A god, now if you will stop interrupting I can explain and get this annoying task over with. You have died, and are now a god. So, in order to better figure out your power ranking, I am going to need you to pick up that card." As she says that, a blank golden card appears in front of Ray, "Depending on your rank, you could either be a minor deity, or nigh-omnipotent. The rankings go from, F to S. Now take hold of the card"
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf Veeren_Prashar

    He has an important job to do. Someone's gotta transport these characters XD. For those who are actually curious, while I assume most have probably pieced it together, the truck was sent specifically to kill them in a way that wouldn't be supernatural to any on-lookers.

    But, before he can finish his sentence, a large truck appears out of seemingly nowhere and crashes right into the bus, and with a loud explosion, everything goes black. 
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf Ggnkrsfkoqxbk

    He multi-tasked XD. I understand the confusion though. I won't lie, I almost autocorrected it several times in my mind to Eric.

    Ch 168 Happiness
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
  • Zaseral
    Antwortet auf JohnGuerin

    In a way, I can understand, especially with Chaos. But when it comes to Veris, his reasons will be explained further as the story progresses. While it doesn't excuse his actions, I believe that to some extent it is understandable. As for Chaos, his motives are designed to not make sense from a purely human perspective. But if you were to look at it from the point of view of a being so far above humanity and whose very nature is chaos it makes a bit more sense. In his eyes, his actions mean nothing as killing humans would be the same as us crushing an insect. With Veris, a being who was once human, his motives were meant to be the end he wants justifying his actions. Whereas with Chaos, a being who has only ever existed at the pinnacle, it is meant to be that he never needed justification. Hopefully, this makes sense. You may not like it, but I think it makes sense from the backstory of both of these characters and if you think about it in another way, many people act like Chaos if you scale it far down to a more human level. Because he is inherently just rebelling, which many of us have done, especially when a parent was either absent or we resented them. I'm not saying you are wrong to have your opinion, I guess I'll just need to work on these narrative points a bit better! I am still learning how to be a good writer, so please bear with me. Regardless, thank you for your feedback, your support is greatly appreciated!

    "It is time for this boy to fulfill his purpose..."
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf chichi32310

    Purple is considered a 'royal color' because, in ancient times, it was considered very rare and expensive due to how difficult it was to produce, so it was only worn by the wealthy, who were typically nobility. At one point the poor were not allowed to wear it, and only royalty was. Such as in the Byzantine empire, and even then some royals wouldn't purchase it because it was that expensive. But that would be in the history of our world, so it wouldn't really impact this world, even though people from our world came here there would be no logical reason to impose the same color coding rules. And rarity wouldn't be an issue as there is magic which would make the idea of 'rare dye' illogical. I tend to avoid, as do most writers, the ramifications of magical creation on an economy, but in this case, I thought it would be important to mention. In conclusion, this isn't our world so our historical color coding wouldn't apply, and I chose the color because I like it. No deeper meaning, I promise.

    Ray is wearing a similar uniform to Victoria's, but it is instead a mix of black and red with dark purple highlights.
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf QuailTheSage

    It can only be used on a person once a month. But it can be used on other people as well. Basically, each person gets one a month.

    [Minor blessing activated! Disease cured!]
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf TheBookReader_

    Thanks, but it is meant to be 25. The 35 was his regular stat counted within his territory, but while outside of it his stats are halved. after putting 15 points into it, it was brought up to 50 giving him the affinity, but is in effect 25 while outside the territory

    [Vitality: 25(50)!]
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf TheBookReader_


    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf Liam_Kelley_6064

    yeah I see no point in ignoring criticism, I do this because I enjoy writing. if I enjoy something I want to get better at it, so critics matter a lot to me. I do my best to explain my thoughts when someone questions something, because it is infuriating to ask a question but never receive an answer, so I try not to do that to others.

    'Uh-oh!' Modri thinks, but with pure instinct alone, he begins to dodge the shards effortlessly.
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf Zaseral

    correction* nation not city

    "Yeah! Thanks to our Lord's blessing we are far stronger than we used to be!" Modri yells with a massive grin.
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf Liam_Kelley_6064

    blessing could mean a gift of some sort it doesn't directly mean a god's blessing. the main reason the guild master didn't catch on immediately is it is very rare for a god to give blessings in another god's city. as well as it being rare to give any blessings at all.

    "Yeah! Thanks to our Lord's blessing we are far stronger than we used to be!" Modri yells with a massive grin.
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf Liam_Kelley_6064

    yeah, I have been trying to explain more but this is my first novel so I wouldn't by any means call myself good. tbh I agree with your review a lot. I need to work on character development more, and explain things better. but, hopefully I will get better over time. I hold no I'll will towards you, I am just explaining my thought process in these responses.

    'Uh-oh!' Modri thinks, but with pure instinct alone, he begins to dodge the shards effortlessly.
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf Liam_Kelley_6064

    that wouldn't be an eruption that would just be a tornado in a volcano spinning magma around. and even then that doesn't branch out of their domain they are just using it differently. the god of wind can't grow plants, that's a restriction. the god of the wind could however cause a tsunami using his wind, that's just a different application of their power.

    [Domain: Infinity]
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral
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    Antwortet auf Liam_Kelley_6064

    Not entirely correct. it is a college in a massive city, but it is mostly full of nobles or noble-linked families. So it is less common to see, and even when it is seen it's the popular, and supported opinion amongst nobles so why would they try to fight against it? Even if a good noble sees a transgression, they will most likely not do anything out of self preservation, and not wanting to ostracize themselves. they may disagree with the occurrence, but to do so verbally only hurts themselves.

    "Well, we should prepare dinner! And clean up, can't have Kaine's friend thinking ill of him!"
    The Infinite Domain
    Fantasie · Zaseral