


Your fantasy bank!

2020-12-12 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Margaret_Sophia
    Margaret_Sophia2 years ago
    Antwortet auf Sir_R3adAlot

    Thank you so very much for the review. Currently working on new chapters 🤭

  • Margaret_Sophia
    Margaret_Sophia2 years ago
    Antwortet auf imperfectlyperfect

    Something like that. Thanks for reading this book ❤️ The swap is a lot more complicated than that. I have a second book which I unfortunately couldn't finish here that has more story on the origin of the babies

  • Margaret_Sophia
    Margaret_Sophia3 years ago

    So...I may not be able to complete this book here because it is under a contract on Good novel app so if you love this book and want to continue reading you can find it on Good novel under the same name. I promise I'm making this book better than the first 😊.

  • Margaret_Sophia
    Margaret_Sophia3 years ago

    By reasons of exams and tests I will not be able the update for a while 🥲. So please bear with me and I promise to continue this book diligently.

  • Margaret_Sophia
    Margaret_Sophia3 years ago

    I hope everyone finds this comment. I have made this book a bit too long but that's going to change now. This is the Prince's book for a little background story of how Cleopoda's curse came to be then I'll have Cleopoda's own book so you know when f you're still interested you can read it. Thank you!.

  • Margaret_Sophia
    Margaret_Sophia3 years ago
    Antwortet auf hazzz1234

    Tbh I didn't plan to have the book become as long as this. My intent was to explain how the curse became Cleopoda's who's the real heroine here but I got carried away. I intend to revise and cut it down a bit so maybe I'll have this one as the Prince's book then another for Cleopoda

  • Margaret_Sophia
    Margaret_Sophia4 years ago
    Antwortet auf Adandi

    No it isn't. It is a story on it's own although there's a book two and three. At this point the story is writing itself in my head lol and I am tempted to really expand it.

  • Margaret_Sophia
    Margaret_Sophia4 years ago
    Antwortet auf Aditya11260

    Thank you so very much for this wonderful and thoughtful review. Your thought is much appreciated.

  • Margaret_Sophia
    Margaret_Sophia4 years ago
    Antwortet auf DonDenis

    Hi DonDenis Cursed by the Gods has had some changes done to it. Because you commended by daily updates I thought I should let you know the new link to the book. http://wbnv.in/a/0bMMfea

  • Margaret_Sophia
    Margaret_Sophia4 years ago

    Shamelessly voted and reviewed my own book because I'm a pig. Didn't even think I could write something this long. Praise God! Chapter 27 .ha!


A Slave. A King. A Coward. A god. And 6 kingdoms. Arlankis, Kronos, Mrygyan, Summer Isle, the Free Nation and Vilandres. The Great War between men and dragons ended with men triumphing over the scaled, fire breathing beasts and with victory came great greed and cruelty as men became kings and princes and noblemen and women. But centuries have passed since the war and a chasm has been wedged between nobles and common people. Years under the reign of terror brought back slave trades and quest for power. Stubborn, hot-headed and the leader of a small gang of slaves, Mare’s only claim in life is that she has the blood of dragons running in her, a notion that remains to be tested, and as such has been chosen to unseat the cruel king of fantastical Arlankis, and bring a new dawn to her people. She is a hero. A hero without a proven claim. But her attempts at heroism backfires when her plan to assassinate the king goes horribly wrong. She is not the hero she wants to be, rather she becomes the king’s slave, chosen to please him at his every whim, a task she loathes with as much intensity as she loathes the king. Her only regret is that her actions have not just condemned her into sex service for the king but her friends, Llod and Veren have been condemned to the same fate, serving noble families of the kingdom. Yet, her journey in the king’s castle is only beginning when an incident happens to truly prove that she is indeed a dragon lord, able to command one of the few dragons remaining after the Great War. This puts her in a new light and Vallezarii, king of Arlankis makes a decision to marry her so that she will give him dragon heirs. To her surprise, she is not the only one bestowed with such powers. Perci, the king’s heir, has secrets of his own that only Mare knows. He is a dragon lord and a captive of his so-called “father”. Like Mare, he seeks freedom from his duties and seeks to unite the 6 kingdoms again, bringing them once more under the reign of dragons. The is the true prophecy; A hero would arise to unite the kingdoms again bring dragons back into power. Whether that hero is Perci or Made remains to be seen. But there are challenges along the way of their quests. First came love: Even though Mare has become the king’s wife, she and Perci can hardly stay away from each other not even after his marriage to the princess of Mrygyan, a union made to merge the nations as one. The consequences of their illicit affair will cost them their position and most possibly their lives and the lives of those they love. Then came betrayal and terror: Slowly, dragons begin to rise again and the want for power is once again an unquenchable taste and every one wants to rise with the dragons, everyone wants a share of the kingdoms and will stop at nothing – even killing to satisfy their desires as long as they seat at the table of a dragon lord. Then came the mystery: Amidst the quest to bring dragons into power, there are others who seek to keep the dynasty of dragons buried. And this opposition come from no one but the long descendants of dragon lord. And with this confusion comes the mystery… A seventh kingdom. The Dragon Seat.

Margaret_Sophia · Fantasie
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