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Really nothing to complain about the world building pretty good which from what I've seen so far it will be fire especially after the 3rd world since then is where the true overpowered characters will come and characters which will stay in the story since it would be important or at the very least characters which the mc will use to further improve and I would be excited to see where his master Really stand since he knows of the mcs kind and what they are truly capable of since all we have seen is the butler and the mc himself and finally I want to say what is one of the most important things of the author is their update speed which is 2-3 times a day which is very commendable that's all for now I will add in the future what I think not long after
just go off yourself at this point you are useless already so why even live
I feel like I'm gonna complain about this novel alot so yeah to continue. Why did you make the maids like the mc in a Sexual way even thought they raised him from when he was a baby and do you know this is grooming? and do you write like this cos someone groomed you or because you groomed someone else or something?
it's harem just except it bruh not to mention it makes no difference to the fic in anyway
it is its romance when it's 1 girl when it's more than that it's harem
its good too
nothing really I was just doing it for fun but how was you're day so far
Well tell me what's wrong I may be able to help you child