I am the Toaster diety and an executive for the 4th dimensional being of cheese named mozarell
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It's hilarious that most of people in the comments always think that the mc is stupid if they disagree with any of the MC's decisions. They always think they're right.
exactly why I said heating spell
your telling me, that if someone knew that they could become unbelievably strong, they wouldn't? I would definitely take the opportunity.
maybe in speed, but 7 damage plus 14% is still only like 7.10 damage
yeah right, instant death
I don't think a two year old has access to glass bottles or iron yet, don't ask me about the kitchen knife, and crafting a sword over and over again would take centuries due to how slow the wood gathering is.
I would be the same if I knew I had the potential be grow into a godlike entity
I know you commented this 11 months ago, but I gotta ask, why is the mc dumb the the villagers building walls?
"slime rain"