


You might only be a speck of dust in this vast universe, but without you, the universe cannot exist.

2020-10-12 BeigetretenUnited States



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  • Dreyerboys


    Ch 1 CHAPTER 1
    X-season 1
    Fantasie · A_N_O_N_Y_M
  • Dreyerboys


    Ch 8 First Quest
    The Alpha And The Omega In Another World
    Anime und Comics · I_HateMiruku
  • Dreyerboys
    Antwortet auf PhoenixDragon

    Yeah, if water froze, they'd have different volume, but if you simply compared a 1x1x1 block of ice compared to a 1x1x1 block of water, they'd fill up the same space, meaning they had the same volume. On the other hand, their mass will not be the same. Ice is less dense than water, meaning that within that cube, there'll be more water. However, they take up the same amount of space, so equal volume. I was just trying to compare the two side-by-side and that, in order to match the adaptability of water, she'd have to incorporate the 'path of least resistance' type of flow and distribution that water has.

    'It's really just about distribution. A cube of ice and a cube of water have the same volume, but one will remain a cube while the other disperses into a puddle and takes the shape of its container. If I want ice to have the same properties… I'll need to somehow be able to change its flow with a snap of the finger.'
    Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance
    Fantasie · Dreyerboys
  • Dreyerboys
    Antwortet auf Flagestis

    To put it simply, yeah

    Ch 959 The Path to Absolute Ice
    Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance
    Fantasie · Dreyerboys
  • Dreyerboys
    Antwortet auf PhoenixDragon

    Sadly, no

    Ch 958 Battle Art
    Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance
    Fantasie · Dreyerboys
  • Dreyerboys

    I agree with the previous comment. Nothing against the author, but I have a strong dislike toward both Rudeus and Paul. However, I think I’m just not a fan of Mushoku Tensei as a whole. The only characters I liked were the side characters, who barely got any screen time. The rest of the story was like watching a child predator reform. Mission: Keep it in your pants (impossible) Seems to be the theme of the story

    "That's right, Riveria-sama; it would be very nice to have you for the birth of Mrs. Zenith's and my child," Lilia, who also looked fuller than usual, clearly pregnant, spoke.
    Shining God in Danmachi
    Anime und Comics · Cozmooo
  • Dreyerboys

    Yes, but at the same time, no. Ice baths are great for muscle recovery more than muscle growth. For example, say you go to the gym, then immediately hop in an ice bath. Your muscles will recover significantly faster, but doing so could negate all potential gains from that workout session as the cold water acts as an anti-inflammatory, limiting the process of repairing and rebuilding your damaged muscles go through after working out. However, that’s not to say that ice baths or cold showers can’t be useful. It’s really all about timing. While they don’t necessarily promote muscle growth directly, they are great for recovery. So, taking cold showers before a workout or on rest-days could be beneficial. But, in the end, everyone is different. Try things out for like 4-8 weeks, see how you feel, and change it up if necessary.

    Does showering with cold water help grow muscles? I've been weightlifting for almost a year now yet this is the first time I've heard of this.
    Transmigrated With A Time Chamber In DxD
    Anime und Comics · HolyGambler
  • Dreyerboys

    I thought Adam was his Father

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Is it Wrong to Try to Climb to The Top From Danmachi? (AU)
    Anime und Comics · ZaelKliz
  • Dreyerboys

    First, I'd like to start off by saying that the fic is... okay. I don't really know DxD, or most animes for that matter, well enough to judge whether the things in it are correct or not. Frankly, I don't care, either. So, I won't comment on that. Normally, I like to do long-form, in-depth reviews, but I don't think there's a need for me to do that here. It's pretty simple, really: This is not a fic about a Multiversal Therapist. Maybe in a 100+ chapters it will be, but right now, it's just another DxD fanfic. Not a particularly great one, either. The first few chapters were great. It set the direction of the fic well, but as soon as the 3rd chapter hit, it's like the entire tone and theme shifted. It went from a Massage Therapist fic to some random, love-driven demi-god Progression Fantasy. Don't get me wrong, I would read something like that, if that's what the title and synopsis told me I'd be reading. This is less so about a Massage Therapist and more about a guy who can massage if needed. If you are expecting what the title promised, turn away from this.

    DxD: Multiversal Therapist
    Anime und Comics · Photosphere
  • Dreyerboys

    I would assume probably somewhere within this range. Twilight vampires have been shown to be able to lift and throw cars, which can weigh between like 1-2 metric tons for just an average car. So, the minimum strength for an average vampire is probably somewhere around 3-5 metric tons. Again, that’s just the minimum. As for the maximum, I’d say between 10-20 metric tons is a fair estimate. Anymore than that and you start getting into the range of like Marvel characters(The Thing, Thor, Hulk at his absolute weakest, Colossus(X-Men). Also, people like All Might from MHA. These are just estimates though. You can do whatever you want.

    2) 10-50 tons
    The Eternal Traveler: A Journey through Twilight and Beyond
    Anime und Comics · Story_Teller_229
  • Dreyerboys
    Antwortet auf MrEarthCreeper

    As if Mira isn't older than her. Lol

    Ch 922 Jeering and Jabbing
    Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance
    Fantasie · Dreyerboys
  • Dreyerboys
    Antwortet auf Satyaki_De

    My new novel, Labyrinth Chronicles.

    Ch 918 Approaching Storm
    Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance
    Fantasie · Dreyerboys
  • Dreyerboys

    What is that? With like 2.2 billion points, he can spend the next 12000 years or so with time sped up

    5. Speed 1:1000, cost of 500 karma points per day
    Time Emperor Champion
    Anime und Comics · Niaa_
  • Dreyerboys
    Antwortet auf Lumina_Song

    I meant that Mira thought that there were a few plants in the gardens from those Continents.

    'Probably from the Southern and Western Continents…' Mira mused, wondering if this was really an ordinary resort.
    Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance
    Fantasie · Dreyerboys
  • Dreyerboys
    Antwortet auf Vastoking

    Not sure how you did your math or where you got a "month" from, or the "2 million" number, but neither one adds up. Saying it would take a month to heal at 10000x the rate means it'll take the average person like 822 years to heal a severed spine. Already impossible, but let's just go with it cause fantasy. Then, saying that they can heal it in 5 seconds by having 2 million x the speed (which is only 200x faster than before) means it'll take the average person around 3.5 months to heal a severed spine. But it doesn't matter. Regardless, the author's calculations are just wrong. Unless the average person in the world can heal severed spines in like half a day(cause 5 seconds x 10000=50000 seconds), which sounds ridiculous, then all we have to go off of is normal humans in our world.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    I Regenerate 10,000 Times Faster
    Fantasie · RagingArtPunk
  • Dreyerboys

    Well, House would probably fit better, but just for clarification purposes, they all mean different things. Sect=In cultivation/Fantasy settings, a Sect is a group of people of similar beliefs, or that practice similar techniques. Think cultivation techniques, sword focused teachings, etc. Clan(or I suppose, Sept)=A large family, and/or a group of families. They’d usually have branch families, multiple generations of people, and control a decent amount of land and resources. I suppose a house would just be a small family, probably made up of just close relatives with not nearly as much land, power, control, or resources. Nobody really uses ‘Sept’ and Sects usually aren’t made up of only blood-related people.

    (A/N: I am considering using Clan in place of House, since it's easier that way. I thought of using Sept, but clan seemed the better choice in this context, and its cooler)
    A Lone Path To Immortality
    Fantasie · Killix_Kreed
  • Dreyerboys

    I’d prefer this

    So should I just leave it like that and write a different r18 chapter down the line when it makes more sense and when they are interacting but it won't be their first time
    The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows
    Anime und Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Dreyerboys

    I honk this is good. While I don’t think that you should always listen to people’s comments, but killing the maid was mostly unnecessary. It only made the MC look bad when there wasn’t much of a reason to. At the same time, it’s not like it mattered all that much, just a little out of place. However, you also put a nice spin on it, so it all worked out.

    I am unfortunately a peoples pleaser,
    The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows
    Anime und Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Dreyerboys
    Antwortet auf SwordDomainGod1

    I’m just assuming he’s human. I’d say I gave the MC a massive benefit of the doubt, even considering the System and the fact that there’s superpowers. I haven’t read it in a while, but didn’t he heal a severed spine in like 5 seconds? With the 10,000x healing factor, that essentially means he’s able to heal a severed spine, by himself and without external help(including the system) in ~14 hours. Mind you, he’s not an immortal, special race, an extremely powerful person, or using a special technique. I’m assuming that he’s basically a bit stronger than a normal human who obtained a unique talent(system). If it were another talent, like Extreme Regeneration, with the description of being able to heal anything in 5 seconds or less, it’d make more sense, but it is purely healing factor. Sure, it’d be good for us to know what that factor is based on, but considering he was basically a normal human at the beginning, well… I think that’s good enough unless explicitly said otherwise.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    I Regenerate 10,000 Times Faster
    Fantasie · RagingArtPunk
  • Dreyerboys

    I think instead of asking if it should be a multiverse fanfic, the question should be: How long are you planning to write this fic? How much time are you willing to dedicate toward it? Multiverse stuff is great. Infinite possibilities, and you can basically do whatever you want and it’ll still somehow make sense. However, to me, I believe that they’re only good when you plan to reach a substantial number of chapters. Then, you can truly flesh out everything. I’d say, if you don’t plan to write like 150-300 chapters, then you might as well stick to just ATG. But, at the end of the day, it’s your fic. If you want to go to other worlds, then by all means, do so. You’re writing skills are good, and I’ll read it regardless lol.

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