Yeah, I um like to read 📚
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Humans turning into abominations that's kinda scary. but idk reading about that insect growing inside the body and stuff. Now that's just terrifying
I need a mass release of about 500 chapters minimum
I love you stories. TOS was legendary because I'm a huge history fan. It's a shame he will be in his late 60s during ww2, though I have a feeling at the pace of the story it'll happen a decade before it should have begun. if we reach that far
Should have done the 1930s 👀
should've went the Blade route. Call them Daywalkers. sounds better imo
wah wah, all he does is whine. I think there's been about 30 chapters already of just himself crying and overthinking everything.
Probably not, bro this was so long ago lol
Slightly confused so far lol. but it's okay cuz it's Super Gene
Yo how terrifying 😂