


Does anyone even read these?

2020-10-02 BeigetretenUnited States

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  • Southpaw97
    Southpaw97a day ago

    This is actually super important info about dungeons here. Basically while it may be a seemingly weak dungeon for now, he has a national level resource at his disposal if he nurture it and doesn't destroy it wholesale assing it's not out of hisvrealm to control this. Self improvement for himself and his minions is garrenteed if he plays his cards right with a tad bit of luck. Huge potential

  • Southpaw97
    Southpaw973 days ago

    Hmm one possible way Van Djik awakened his Vampire inheritance was sort of a mental break from losing his family. Another is maybe for some crazy the werewolf helped himself how? Maybe the pit of despair that Van Dijk was pulled into, took away his sense of humanity that was holding him back. The trauma and anger was so great that he let go of his humanity and subconsciously embrace the inheritance no one knew he had.

  • Southpaw97
    Southpaw976 days ago
    Antwortet auf brother_pheonix

    Who can say you know? What can wear down a human doesn't always translate to undeath. Maybe the stamina requirements that a human need to do the techniques is so great that the body works itself to death. But for Ludwig it just gives him a cool down instead?

  • Southpaw97
    Southpaw977 days ago

    Hmmm I mean not that the common population would know but him being a dark magic user. Is his reputation THAT important? If the general population find out, is the avengers of mages and countries going to take him down?

  • Southpaw97
    Southpaw978 days ago

    Do you have a discord channel for your books and stuff?

  • Southpaw97
    Southpaw979 days ago

    oĥhh so that's how it is. Hoyos' whole deal with the holy knights was the truth but was made into a servant of Mott instead, probably. There's no way he would have gotten his hands on a spell like Dark Erasure and grafted so many organs to give him so many abilities. While it's true he is a fallen noble but it was never specific WHEN. Through these graftings, he could actually be so much older than he appears, just like Mott. This also explains why he chose Ludwig of all people to be friends with out of nowhere in the dead of night. He might have gotten prior knowledge from his master or masters about Ludwig. They knew Necros would send another apostle, so they sent Hoyo to scope him out. That's why there's was a random letter from an unknown source. Hoyo is sending regular reports, plus Sebas and Evan being traitors. With Mott coming as insurance and under the pretext of Dark Magic, Ludwig had no chance from the start. Nice well played.

  • Southpaw97
    Southpaw9710 days ago

    Dang, the Acedemy arc is over just like that, huh? It's a shame that it's over like that. Not aure how i feel it being so abrupt bro didn't even get to say goodbye. He was only their for what a couple of months and was just starting to make friends and his standing in the black tower. Personally, i was really hoping to see how the 5 tower tournament was going to go, but if he's now going to be an adventurer.....I so stoked for that as well. I love adventurer stuff. Maybe there's a chance he could go into a different tower Acedemy in the future? It would be so cool to attend the 5 Tower Tournament in a different tower and maybe be recognized by black tower members lol that would be peak. Maybe we also get to see more of the empire we are in or maybe a different country altogether? I can't wait to see what's next.

  • Southpaw97
    Southpaw9710 days ago

    Wow, this is very bold of the White Tower. To launch a direct assault like this is crazy for mere allegations and unverified proof? This actually brings up a good question. Is this Holy order a part of the white tower like I assumed? Or is it like an empire/multinational police force of sorts for tower magic? And if they are like the tower police, who checks the police? And if they aren't the police, is there such a thing as tower wars of some kind? This attack brings not just Country political into question but also tower politics too. The black tower must definitely be a weaker position if they are blatantly attack like this. one of the reasons why a student tower tourney is important. The ranks of tower directly increase of decrease their influence and further attendance.

  • Southpaw97
    Southpaw9712 days ago

    So, from my understanding of the mystery murderer here is what I know so far. 2 Murders, 1 student vanashing but went home if i rememebr right?, both murders, where were talented students who were killed the same way from apparent internal injuries that seem to burst out. But from the second murder there were a lot of scorches and signs of a struggle, but it was covered by a dark magic spell that was confiscated by the White Tower. So, the murderer who has to somehow have gotten a clandestine spell from a secure archive? Sounds more like a teacher rather than a student. And he or she happens to do this when the 5 tower tournament is close to happening. Sounds like it is a secret agent sort of that is tasked to take out talented students to keep the black tower at the bottom of the ranks. The obvious answer is Professor Vastion, but it could be a student. At first I thought it was Hoyo but it could be anyone. Idk I'm probably missing something.

  • Southpaw97
    Southpaw9712 days ago

    Kinda liked this little tournament arc. Most stories that do it imo go really detailed into it. To the point where it take like a 100 chaps just for one level which is way to excessive. And Ludwig still gained so much from it this time around. Book page, buffed spell casting, reduced summoning cost, increased class potential for a lich and a progression to that ultimate form of a....Lich Knight? Death Lich? Maybe neither and or a evolution of that. Plus the rewards from Vam Djik? It's crazy. But Mott now getting aggro'ed is definitely a big problem. Is he one of the 7? A heretic disciple? We no nothing about him other then he's bad news. As for the killer? I honestly have no idea. It's probably Hoyo I think. His Harpy organs have a price to them and he loses control and kills people or something.